Example sentences of "for the [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the chill of divine retribution , listen to Russ Brown 's 1986 track , ‘ Got ta Find A Way ’ : ‘ I must let you know that judgement is here below .
2 So we are all set up with booze , sex , unrequited love , thoughts of separation , ambiguous sexual status , a grand piano for the singing of old songs and a sniffy Law dispensing trifle with a gimlet stare .
3 We are always ready to arrange special rates for groups and offer a free place for the organiser with any group of 20 or more .
4 I was keen to stay close to Harvey while he made preparations for the dispatch of this agent , but Harvey left the flat before breakfast .
5 Once in Siberia he realized that estimates made on paper in Moscow for the dispatch of 250 wagons a day to the Volga were completely unrealistic .
6 Its Lunacy Act of 1838 , which required every department to develop a public asylum , can be seen as a model for the legislation of other countries .
7 The deputy leadership election was close.run , but in the end the party settled for the compromise of old-style left-winger Michael Foot , already in place as leader , with born-again ‘ democratic socialist ’ Denis Healey as deputy .
8 ’ A book in the J. C. R. had to be signed each week to record the hours of war work required of us in return for the privilege of remaining students , and the variety of jobs was immense , including , in the long vacation , harvest and fruit-picking camps in various parts of rural England .
9 It agrees that companies should be publicly accountable in return for the privilege of limited liability , it says , but that accountability lies in filing the accounts , rather than their audit .
10 9. does it allow for the possibility of greater understanding or fresh insight ?
11 It marks a decisive shift on the part of the Sri Lankan government to sacrifice self-reliance for the possibility of increased foreign revenues .
12 Autee Lord Justice had this to say at page nine two seven quote , having decided that he , brackets the judge close brackets , could make no allowance for the possibility of increased pension payments because of the increased cost of living index , he had to decide the present day value of the fixed sum payable in thirty one years time .
13 While do-it-yourself rock , fan-club organizations and dancing-in-the-aisles are certainly not independent of industry interests , such a breathtaking theoretical closure reduces the musical role of the vast majority of humankind to a subservient attempt to match up , as listeners , to the demands of ‘ advanced ’ producers ; Marx 's vision of a future with every man an artist certainly seems to be definitively buried , but on a less exalted level , there is once again no attempt to look for the possibility of contradictory meanings in the actual practice of real listeners .
14 But for Britain , WEU was perhaps satisfactory : it allowed for the possibility of British association with the leaders of integration , if necessary , and may have permitted some form of British influence upon the latter .
15 On the one hand it provides for the possibility of improved techniques for bringing about learning ; on the other it provides a rationale whereby such techniques can be explicitly identified as exemplars of more general principles of teaching .
16 Its curiously reassuring suggestiveness helped to prepare British hearts and minds for the possibility of formal , though not final , separation from their subject peoples .
17 For example , Margaret Marshall ( 1981 , p.65 ) says that ‘ apart from sustained disruptive or deliberate offences , the librarian and other library users should be aware of and make allowances for the possibility of unusual noise in the library ’ .
18 It follows that any proposal for change would be referred to customary ways of thinking , and this provides for the possibility of operational techniques which realize new ideas being devised as an extension of existing practices .
19 Thus all references to sets of conditions are to be understood as allowing for the possibility of one-member sets .
20 Paradoxically , this provided for the possibility of voluntary unemployment , an anathema to the capitalist class , and so the conditions under which men 's claims to maintenance from the state were met were such as to weaken male work incentives as little as possible , and ideally to discourage men from making a claim at all , except in the direst circumstances .
21 If it were not for the possibility of physical delivery of the underlying cash market good by the seller of the futures contract to the buyer , there would be no mechanism to guarantee convergence of futures and spot prices .
22 Their disillusion with the reformist nature of the Labour governments of the 1960s , and the excitement generated by the world-wide social unrest of 1968 , led them to look for the possibility of social change in local protest movements .
23 For the beginning of that document almost .
24 Beta versions are out next quarter with general availability slated for the beginning of next year .
25 DDE is also reported to be working on a SuperMax system based on the multi-processing version of the R4000 for the beginning of next year .
26 Er , how are you fixed for the beginning of next month ? or the week after that ?
27 It was discovered that the peat only began to grow after the site was abandoned and a radiocarbon date for the beginning of this growth gave about 1000 BC .
28 The protests were also an attempt to pressurize the government into bringing an end to the violence by reducing the powers of Chief Gatsha Buthelezi , leader the conservative , Natal-based Inkatha movement which competed with the ANC for the loyalty of black South africans .
29 After holing up for the winter of 2512 the horde descended into the eastern provinces of the Empire .
30 Among those receiving liveries of robes from Edward III for the winter of 1330 , at least seventeen Gascon knights and esquires are recorded as members of his household .
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