Example sentences of "for at [adv] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 This volcanic cone , dormant for at least 3000 years , provides the prized yellow rock from which the moais were carved .
2 The sovereign powers of the 50 individual states of the Union have declined continuously for at least 120 years and are severely circumscribed or non-existent in many of the major areas of public policy .
3 The sovereign powers of the individual states of the Union ( now numbering 50 ) have declined continuously for at least 120 years and are severely circumscribed or non-existent in many of the major areas of public policy .
4 At his death he had been married for at least nine years to a wife called Margaret .
5 The field had not been ploughed for at least 80 years ( probably not for more than 150 years ) and there is no record of fertilizer or herbicide ever having been applied .
6 Mankind has marvelled at diamonds for at least 2000 years .
7 ( It is possible that the Chinese qinghaosu , a natural drug derived from the medicinal herb quinghao , Artemisia annua , which has been used in China for at least 2000 years , may prove useful . )
8 In South-west England tin , copper and other metals have been mined for at least 2000 years from deposits related to Variscan granites ; in the Pennine range of central and northern England over a similar period , lead , and lately fluorite and baryte , have been extracted from vein and replacement deposits in Carboniferous sediments ; in Central Wales , the Isle of Man and the Southern Uplands of Scotland lead and zinc have been mined from vein deposits in Lower Palaeozoic greywackes and in the Lake District copper , lead and zinc have been recovered from a variety of deposits in Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks underlain by Caledonian granites .
9 The miners ' strike of 1984/5 was without doubt one of the most important and serious disputes of its kind for at least sixty years , that is since the General Strike of 1926 .
10 But in any case it has been clearly apparent to all fieldworking anthropologists for at least sixty years that the various kinds of performance which have , in the past , been assigned to the categories " magic " , " religion " , " magico-religious " , are expressions of artistic creativity rather than misguided attempts to control the material world by mechanical means .
11 There has been some form of settlement in Humbleton for at least 900 years and it was mentioned in the Domesday Book in 1086 as Humeltone .
12 Native birds of region , from Caucasus and SW Asia , all belong to black-necked colchicus type , with rather dark and purplish plumage , lower back and rump mainly rufous , and no neck ring ; these were first introduced in W Europe and in Britain , where they have been present for at least 900 years , used to be known as the ‘ Old English ’ type .
13 The hot-tasting fleshy roots have probably been used for at least 3,000 years as a food flavouring and , although it is native to eastern Europe , it grows wild in northern Europe including Britain , and North America .
14 Worse were the revelations that the CIA tolerated his activities and had continued to pay him $200,000 ( £125,000 ) a year for at least 10 years .
15 Another recent item in he BMJ ( vol 284 , p 791 ) , for example , concerned an unhappy lady who had been drinking Dettol for at least 10 years in order to ‘ purify ’ herself .
16 And either have been a corporate member for at least 10 years
17 Even if all goes well , it is unlikely that gene therapy treatment will be available for at least 10 years .
18 They 've agreed to postpone development of a rubbish dump for at least 10 years .
19 The fuels which the fusion reaction would use are deuterium ( a common isotope of hydrogen ) and lithium and the energy potential exists to supply the world with energy for at least 5,000 years .
20 Anyone else wishing to receive Latvian citizenship had ( i ) to have lived in Latvia for at least 16 years ; ( ii ) to be conversationally fluent in Latvian and conversant with the Latvian constitution ; ( iii ) to renounce Soviet ( or any other ) citizenship ; and ( iv ) to swear allegiance to the Latvian republic .
21 A full licence must have been held for at least 1 year , and the minimum age is 21 .
22 Although difficult to date he believes the trackway to have been in existence for at least 2,000 years and may well pre-date Roman times .
23 The humble raisin has been around for at least 2,000 years , but it has n't always been very popular — particularly in the US where novelty is all when it comes to food .
24 But the damage had been done , and Wilson 's elevation of Eliot at Pound 's expense was to be Echoed time and again for at least thirty years , and indeed is still to be heard even today .
25 More than two-fifths of them had worked in the company for at least thirty years .
26 If stored carefully though , in a cool , dark , dry place ( preferably a fridge ) they will keep for at least one year ( from one harvest to the next ) with no problem at all .
27 In conjunction with the Director of Nurse Education ( DNE ) the manager should produce information about the numbers of staff graduating from nurse training for at least one year in advance .
28 The manager should predict the likely vacancies arising from all sources of wastage for at least one year in advance .
29 During the follow up period there were only five ears in which fluid recurred and persisted for at least one year after they had been clear for at least one year .
30 During the follow up period there were only five ears in which fluid recurred and persisted for at least one year after they had been clear for at least one year .
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