Example sentences of "for it at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
2 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
3 High illiteracy rates and a chronic lack of skilled manpower meant that the new government regarded educational provision as politically and economically important and popular demand for it at all levels was considerable .
4 Gassendi adopted it enthusiastically and argued for it at great length .
5 Twenty pounds for it at twenty pounds at twenty pounds thank you , twenty is offered and selling for twenty pounds only , twenty five for you sir , thank you , twenty five , thirty thirty five thirty five to my left and selling for thirty five pounds yours sir , thank you , thirty five pounds for number eight four five , thank you very much .
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