Example sentences of "for a [adj] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She promptly spread it around London that Lipman had fallen for a wrinkled depressive called Eve .
2 ROVERS had goalkeeper Paul Crichton sent off for a professional foul to complete a miserable afternoon .
3 base manager for WGOL who is also vice-chairman of the East Anglian branch of the Institute , commented : ‘ The agreement was reached because Trinity House was looking for a professional body to fill the void and the Institute has a good reputation and a presence in the majority of UK ports ’ .
4 Looking for a cosy doorstep to crash in : Whyte
5 The growing concern for a unified approach meant that when the Seebohm Committee concluded its review of personal social services it recommended the creation of a single local authority welfare department .
6 For HLA-B35 peptides , the additional requirement for a terminal tyrosine limited the number of potential epitopes to be tested to 10 ( Table 2 ) .
7 As Geoffrey Gorer has remarked , their books for a lay public implied that psychoanalytic theory gave them an insight into matters of general concern of a depth and quality simply not available to the uninitiated , to people without qualifications .
8 Although all life and pension policy providers are now required by law to state their charges in writing , it is often extremely difficult for a lay person to work out exactly what is involved ; or to make meaningful comparisons between one organisation 's charges and another 's .
9 For a refurbished one you can pay anything from £600 to £14,000 ( for a gold-leafed kiosk bought by a discotheque in Germany ) .
10 Where there is no further land for settlement and for people to set themselves up as independent farmers or pastoralists , there is an added reason for a land-controlling class to emerge , firstly because land hunger tends to differentiate a peasantry and secondly there is no alternative for those without enough land but to work for others .
11 The research points to the need for better targetting of assistance to achieve urban policy goals ; to the need for greater selectivity to reduce ‘ deadweight ’ spending and secure specific sectoral objectives ; and suggests the need for a strategic approach to co-ordinate the efforts of the various assistance agencies .
12 Also , he does not adequately discuss how to relate those critical success factors in a logically connected way through a model for improving competitive strength in a specific situation , and fails to recognize that it is essential for a strategic analysis to indicate who is responsible for which central success factor .
13 It is against the laws of chemistry for a dissolved substance to move of its own accord from a solution of low concentration to one of high concentration .
14 ( 11.12.93 ) The conditions were ripe for a freak result according to the writeup .
15 At this meeting there is considerable scope for adjustment , but the process would clearly fail if there were not also an understanding of the need for a consensual solution to emerge , and within a very tight timescale .
16 It seems very likely that although there seems to be little in the idea of subliminal advertising , it is quite possible for a familiar ad for a familiar product to have at least some effect of reinforcing a favourable attitude without , to all intents and purposes , being consciously noted by the consumer at all .
17 She would be considered a slut if she did , and since it is almost unheard of for a Ugandan man to do without sex for a year , her husband would usually seek another woman .
18 It was not impossible for a poor gentleman to rise in the army , even without political connections , but for those lacking the interest of a great man promotion depended upon opportunities to demonstrate outstanding gallantry and leadership qualities .
19 And squeamishness prevented me looking for a tiny insect to place on a sticky dewdrop leaf .
20 The lounge of the Grand Hotel was almost deserted , save for a tiny man perched on a bar stool , who seemed to spend much of his time muttering into his hand .
21 A few years ago , we were walking in the mountains to the south of Loch Tummel , heading for a tiny water called Loch a'Chait , a hard tramp uphill from Lick .
22 Lending money to someone who is unlikely to be able to pay back all their obligations is like betting on a probable loser : hardly a sensible way for a prudent lender to do business .
23 Springing sows reached £189 for a genuine sow sold by a Markethill farmer .
24 Nowadays it would be considered kinky indeed for a Catholic priest to acquire a tonsure at the hairdressers — or to parade around in soutane and biretta .
25 document for a communist party to base land reform on .
26 In performance suitable inner parts are required ( for a suggested reconstruction see ex.1 ) — and the dance needs to run straight on from the Coridon and Mopsa dialogue .
27 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
28 And he followed it up by that shrewd observation ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God ’ ( Mark 10:25 ) .
29 I 'm looking for a rich husband to take me away from it all . ’
30 " It 's unheard of for a religious Order to dwell in a tent or wagon .
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