Example sentences of "for [art] few year [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But now I 've been drug-free for over a year erm but I 'd been trying for a few year before that and had nay managed to succeed .
2 The government 's Countryside Commission argued that the licence should only have been renewed for a few years during a thorough review of military land requirements .
3 The root form has the ability to reproduce itself by parthenogenesis several times throughout the year for a few years without passing into another form .
4 The branch line had survived for a few years as a single line until its final demise .
5 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
6 I came to know and admire Beethoven 's ‘ Pastoral ’ symphony for the scenes depicted ; I enjoyed Saint Saens ' ’ Carnival of the Animals ’ , Prokofieff 's ‘ Peter and the Wolf ’ , and Benjamin Britten 's ‘ Guide to the Orchestra ’ as well as ‘ Ein Heldenleben ’ ( A Hero 's Life ) by Richard Strauss , the symphonies of Brahms , Haydn and Tschaikowsky , and especially , for a few years at any rate , the latter 's ‘ 1812 Overture ’ .
7 But once that 's been accepted you ca n't argue with the price and this jacket 's certain to keep you warm for a few years at least .
8 We think they should be able to get jobs and hope they will stay for a few years at least .
9 The hunting of game meat , particularly in Africa , was a vital support system for the builders of the lines and , for a few years at least , for those who ran them .
10 ‘ I 'd settle for a few years with four legs like a cheetah and be able to go at forty miles an hour , ’ Otley declared .
11 I 've been friends for a few years with the head stalker of Corrour estate , Ted Piggott , and his wife Theresia .
12 They would rather continue earning this money for a few years with the hope of becoming financially independent , thus broadening their options and opportunities .
13 Unfortunately the cup was only awarded for a few years before that too disappeared .
14 Should the soil be in need of replenishment all the vines are grubbed up and the land left to fallow for a few years before new vinestock are planted and the entire cycle begins again .
15 Inspired by the arrival of The Beatles to play the guitar , he bought a cheap Harmony electric and a Kalamazoo amp and dabbled for a few years before joining a high school covers band , playing soul , rock and a good deal of Hendrix .
16 He then occupied a country living for a few years before returning to Winchester as chaplain to the Bishop , George Morley , who was a close friend of Izaak Walton .
17 Those who have a real interest will leave it for a few years before attempting training .
18 It is for this reason that the CDP has advocated direct government funding , an advocacy which seems extremely unlikely to succeed as the government will surely want to try out the new system for a few years before sanctioning any radical alteration .
19 He first embarked on an Open University degree in the technology faculty some ten years ago , but gave it a rest for a few years before starting in earnest in 1986 , in his second year at Wedgwood .
20 Living with his mother Kiefer stayed in Los Angeles for a few years before moving back to Bridgewater Canada .
21 The Marxists , by contrast , had only been able to build a viable organization , under the name of the British Socialist Party , for a few years before 1914 and were always bedevilled by sectarianism and schism .
22 Otherwise , Kovacevich was well wide of the mark and if he respects this work he might contemplate putting it away for a few years before reconsidering its interpretation .
23 The only other Briton to win both Opens is Tony Jacklin who , incidentally , came to Jersey to live and play golf for a few years after his retirement from the professional circuit .
24 But I was n't into heroin on a full scale for a few years after that .
25 For a few years after 1413 a lease on the islands of Korcula , Hvar and Brac was obtained with the agreement of the Habsburg Emperor , Sigismund , but the Ragusans failed to maintain their position in face of the hostility of the islanders and the rivalries of their Venetian , Hungarian and Slav neighbours .
26 He left the king 's service for a few years after March 1245 ; it was probably during this period that he compiled a metrical grammar for the children of Hamo de Pecche , a Cambridgeshire baron .
27 For a few years after his return to Edinburgh he prepared anatomical and pathological demonstrations in the Department of Anatomy , but latterly he withdrew from public affairs .
28 This brought the number of District Geologists in Edinburgh up to 3 , a repetition of the situation which had existed for a few years in the 1920s .
29 He was my foursomes partner for a few years in international golf and there is no better way to assess another 's playing ability .
30 For a few years in the mid-1980s this pattern was reversed , and the number of people leaving the United Kingdom fell below the number entering .
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