Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He stopped , waiting for armed Twenty-fourthers to swarm out of every window , demanding to know why Robert was proposing to barge in on their most secret and important ceremony .
2 One possibility would be to start his play behaviour just before lunchtime so that there is less time for undesirable behaviour to creep in .
3 At the present pace of progress in Brussels , similar changes throughout the EC may not come in for a dozen years or more , and British farmers fear that they will lose business while waiting for European competitors to catch up .
4 It appeared to be an occupational hazard , walking down dark and dingy — or even brightly lit — corridors , waiting for strange creatures to pounce out at unexpected moments .
5 Your success could be resented by others , which may mean that you have to fight for dear life to hang on to what you 've got , or there will be little time to enjoy your personal or social life .
6 On one hand , therefore , McElroy is preparing for private companies to take over the reigns of the weather craft ; on the other , he is inviting other countries to become involved in what could be a link only between governments .
7 A major feature of Suharto 's budget speech was a call for private companies to offer up to 25 per cent of their shares to workers ' co-operatives , and to facilitate this by providing soft loans .
8 So to stop it being a through route , because it 's not part it 's not a necessary route for private cars to go down , and it is , of course , extremely important because the entrance to the bus station is off that route .
9 Given the thriving circular trade , it was easy for counterfeit manufacturers to pass off goods which they know would not be checked , said Mr Lumley .
10 The trend of things had been for agricultural land to go out of production because it was easier to earn a living working in Israel .
11 Their marriage was certainly not typical , yet it is possible that even in the early twentieth century it was not uncommon for retired men to take on more responsibility at home , as many do today : for lack of other evidence , we can only speculate .
12 The majority of prison letters that I receive have the ring of truth ; the reason being that it is not in human nature ( of which the law is profoundly ignorant ) for guilty men to go on proclaiming their innocence month after month , year after year , when they do not have the evidence , the impetus , or the skills to do so , at least with any show of conviction .
13 The only way for popular science to break out of its niche market is for science to be presented as something else .
14 It is common for old people to play down the extent of the abuse and it is not easy to gauge how far their reluctance to discuss alternative care is due to fear of the unknown rather than acceptance of the situation .
15 It was then the moment for old colleagues to catch up on old times .
16 As Iris Murdoch has remarked in admiration of Dickens and Tolstoy , the great novelist creates a house fit for free character to live in : free , that is , to live lives untrammelled by the allegorical or the stereotypical , to be as quirky , unpredictable , and self-contradicting as beings one knows in a real world .
17 It did n't take long for Brown Owl to find out the whole story .
18 The French would be content so long as the arrangement was for them to sell abroad ; there can , however , be no question of France permitting her massive investment in nuclear power to be undermined by making it possible for French consumers to buy in from abroad .
19 And the RUC is urging for public help to clamp down on the level of incidents throughout the province .
20 He concludes : ‘ So although at first it is also natural for civilized people to condemn out of hand what I had just witnessed as disgraceful heathen bestiality , they , too , if they were honest might come to feel it was at least partly redeemed by the genuine religious conviction on which it is based . ’
21 Our cultural development will provide not only a record of an active journey , a passing view of ourselves as we are , but also a perspective on the world for future generations to build on and develop .
22 You can now start venturing away from your measured route and start looking for additional ways to clock up the extra miles — try walking to the shops instead of driving ; try parking the car further away from work and walking the rest of the way ; or getting off the bus or train one or two stops from your destination and walking the rest of the way .
23 The third method is for central planning to work out every detail of the plan and ask the departments to follow the plan exactly .
24 ( It will also have been a waste if the outcome is only to soften up British buyers for Japanese companies to rush in and sell us microcomputers as they have previously sold us domestic electronic equipment . )
25 The ministry is spending about £1 million a year on lasers — and some of this money has gone on buying equipment from Spectra-Physics for Japanese companies to try out .
26 The specific grant , introduced in April 1991 , should encourage authorities to plan together so that a broad spectrum of services is developed and there are no gaps for individual patients to fall down .
27 One logical fix to this geographical mis-match is for inner-city blacks to commute out from the ghettos to the suburbs .
28 At the North of Australia are tropical rain forests which are very difficult for large communities to live in due to the heat , humidity and being unable to expand without the destruction of trees .
29 Neither writers nor architects were wholly unaware that these were to be houses for human beings to live in .
30 Meeting Thomas reminded me that human relations do n't have to be like this , that in other countries you open your account in credit , and unless you squander that goodwill by behaving like a complete arsehole , the mutual warmth continues to grow with every subsequent encounter , as though it were natural for human beings to get on together .
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