Example sentences of "for [art] [det] [noun pl] as " in BNC.

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1 The first is that the donations that would be made would go to charitable social service agencies providing for the same groups as statutory agencies .
2 Indeed , the first moves in this direction occurred in 1986 of course , when as Noble Lords will recall the Metropolitan counties or at least their county councils were abolished and police authorities were created for the same areas as freestanding corporate bodies .
3 Few there are who would speak in favour of cruelty to animals , as thus understood , and I take it that , whatever else our differences might be , at least we all agree that cruelty to other animals is morally vile , and morally vile for the same reasons as cruelty to human children , for example .
4 They demanded bracket construction for the overhead wires , but this was turned down for the same reasons as those in Mitcham .
5 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
6 But to the EEC this looked too much like the British proposals of the late 1950s , and it declined the overtures from EFTA for the same reasons as in the past .
7 There is , needless to say , no suggestion that the Bank of England are in contempt , and , for the same reasons as have led me to conclude that the injunction is overridden , I should have had no hesitation in varying the injunction if it had been necessary to do so .
8 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder .
9 Gould was immediately attracted to the art of lithography for the same reasons as Lear — the relative inexpensiveness of production and the lack of training required — but he also saw great potential for Lear 's large-size format and colourful plates , which could , Gould thought , if properly promoted and well managed , prove extremely lucrative .
10 Q9 The answer is Yes for the same reasons as Q7 .
11 All involved will need these interfaces for the same reasons as the political and business managers whose decisions are being studied .
12 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
13 Data are shown for the same mice as in a .
14 At least three months post treatment endoscopy was performed and biopsies were obtained for the same procedures as above .
15 pending the receipt of prompt instructions from the bank/organisation keep its interest in the policy in force up to the full sum insured and for the same risks as were covered when the bank's/organisation 's interest was notified ( subject to the insurance not having been replaced elsewhere with the consent of consent of the bank/organisation ) .
16 As Dick comes to know Count Jasper he no longer sees him as a villain and realises that this inscrutable man is in his own way working for the same ends as the conspirators .
17 And the animals were certainly in for a few surprises as our team of ten raced by wearing bright yellow ‘ Wimpey Worldwide ’ T-shirts and hard hats .
18 Sometimes Sheila got away from her family to come with her and she drove down for a few hours as well as now and again in the middle of the week .
19 She had never mentioned that she possessed musical ability , so the crew listened spellbound for a few minutes as she played the carol ‘ Silent Night , Holy Night ’ , as though she had been rehearsing for a month .
20 She 'd called him Sage , and she only stayed at my house for a few minutes as she had to get right back to see her new baby — the owl , of course .
21 He lay on his back for a few moments as he always did , then turned onto his right side , arranging himself as if for sleep .
22 We should be all right for a few moments as it is deeper water ; we can then make for the beach , hopefully avoiding the big dumping surf . ’
23 The woman stared at him for a few moments as she mulled over his offer .
24 They fell silent for a few moments as they drank their tea .
25 Rory pushed herself out of her chair , suddenly fuelled by restless energy , and strode to the window , gazing unseeingly over the lawn for a few moments as anger seethed within her .
26 ‘ I 'm not married ! ’ she retorted , and for a few moments as her world righted itself and she realised that she must have momentarily got her wires crossed , because he had already told her he was not married , she realised too that , up until a moment ago , he must have thought her — Mrs Barnaby Stewart .
27 It was just a fantasy I nurtured for a few years as I puffed and panted my way through the ten-foots and alleyways of downtown Hull .
28 For a few seconds as they descended , he had an unimpeded view through a gap in the trees of the west front of the chapel .
29 Melissa watched for a few seconds as he worked , apparently impervious to the heat , then turned back to where the others were waiting .
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