Example sentences of "for [art] [det] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It is one of the ‘ Ports de Cize ’ , the collective name for the several cols to be found in the mountains here and once the Summus Pyrenaeus of the Romans , who also chose to cross them above Saint-Jean .
2 Page 30 Cluff glitters : Rising gold production pushed Cluff Resources ' pre-tax profits for the half year to 30 June up ninefold to £790,000 and strengthened the possibility that the group could pay a maiden dividend this year .
3 RISING gold production pushed Cluff Resources ' pre-tax profits for the half year to 30 June up ninefold to £790,000 and strengthened the possibility that the mining and oil group could pay a maiden dividend this year .
4 Whitbread 's pre-tax profits for the half year to August rose to £128.5million against £110.6million a year earlier .
5 For the half year to September , Merrydown reported profits down 19% to £760,000 reflecting strong competition .
6 Supermarket group Asda delivered a Christmas bonus in the shape of much improved profits for the half year to November .
7 While profits jumped to £2.6m in the annual results announced in March , interims in August posted £1.1m for the half year to the end of June .
8 Pre-tax profits for the half year to August are flat , only Pounds 500,000 ahead at £143m , and the UK slump has slammed the lid on margins .
9 Revenues for Scholastic Corporation , the American parent company , rose 13% for the half year to $256.9m .
10 A pre-tax profit for the half year to 30th June 1993 of $126.2m is announced today ( August 10 ) by the Scottish-based insurance group General Accident .
11 The pupil can : 2a associate appropriate units with the quantity to be measured ; 2b relate units for the same measure to each other ; 2c relate a given unit to an everyday object with a sensible numerical value .
12 It may Lie that the sale of cigarettes for the same purpose to a working men 's club is a consumer sale .
13 Thus the more nearly perfect a market is , the stronger is the tendency for the same price to be paid for the same thing at the same time in all parts of the market : but of course if the market is large , allowance must be made for the expense of delivering the goods to different purchasers ; each of whom must be supposed to pay in addition to the market price a special charge on account of delivery .
14 The Canadian analysis confirmed the findings of a recent US General Accounting Office study that found prices for the same drug to be higher in the United States than in Canada .
15 By the end of 1989 Iraq had attained a production level of 2.9 million b/d , which may be compared with Iran 's recovery for the same year to 2.8 million .
16 Planting in 1988 came within 15 per cent of the national target , but has fallen now to one-third of that level for the same cost to the taxpayer as in 1988 .
17 By billing different companies for the same visit to the same city , and padding each bill , Roscoe managed to clear $150,000 in income last year , $100,000 the year before .
18 Everybody was here for the same thing to be done to them .
19 It is clear that yield can vary quite considerably with coupon for the same term to maturity , and with term to maturity for different coupons .
20 It is customary for the same body to be designated as the Central Authority for other Hague Conventions dealing with civil procedure , notably that on Service of Process .
21 It is rare , if not unknown , for the same voices to be heard if a sentence is too severe , although the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal frequently reduces sentences for just that reason .
22 Jean Goodwin presented a £300 cheque to Dr. Bathall for Cardiac Support Group , and Heather Trimming presented a cheque for the same amount to Mrs. Todd for the Alton branch of Sight Concern Hampshire .
23 So , since they claim to know the complete and final story about the nature of mental substance , it is incumbent on them to show that it is impossible for the same consciousness to be transferred from one substance to another .
24 They 've they 've asked for a few changes to their older system , and this new one will give them all that they want , plus a load that they do n't want .
25 Jack and Alison were going for a few days to Amsterdam .
26 ‘ Never , in my life , ’ he murmured distractedly , leaving her mouth for a few seconds to hungrily kiss her cheekbone , her temple , to lightly nip the lobe of her ear , ‘ have I met a woman so obstinate , so pigheaded … ’
27 If she needs nursing care , arrangements can sometimes be made for her to be admitted for a few weeks to the local hospital on medical recommendation .
28 Bob did not retire immediately as he has worked on for a few months to introduced new salesmen to their areas .
29 I joined an evening political group in Bermondsey and listened , with five other people and a dog to Miss Ellen Wilkinson 's plea for no more steel to be sold to Germany .
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