Example sentences of "for [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Neither in the production of variations nor in the elimination of disadvantageous variations is there any reference to an ‘ end ’ of producing ‘ fit ’ or successful species : the probability of variations occurring , or of a particular variation occurring , is independent of the need for change to produce a better ‘ fit ’ between organism and environment , or of that variation being successful .
2 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
3 ‘ the clearest and simplest remedy for this evil of litigation about charity , by which so often the kindly intention of a testator is defeated , and still more often a considerable part of the benefaction is wasted in legal costs , would be for Parliament to enact a modern definition or classification of charities on some broad lines .
4 It would not be absurd , nor contrary to the rule of law , for Parliament to prefer the precise construction adopted by the tribunal to that given by the courts .
5 New users of water or those who require more than the maximum amount scheduled in an existing licence have to apply for permission to take the estimated quantity to the water authority in the area in which the works is situated , which will then decide whether sufficient water is available for the new abstraction .
6 He began work as a mining engineer in Lanarkshire and applied to Alexander Hamilton Douglas , tenth Duke of Hamilton [ q.v. ] , for permission to open a new mine on his land , but was refused on the grounds that he was too young for such responsibility .
7 We thank the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) for their support and for permission to use the General Household Survey , and the ESRC Data Archive for their continuing help .
8 On Sept. 27 Mulroney appealed to Queen Elizabeth II , Canada 's head of state , for permission to use an arcane clause of the 1867 British North America Act to create an extra eight Senate seats , in order to avoid Article 42 of the 1982 Patriation of the Constitution Act [ see p. 31312 ] .
9 But when the owners later asked for permission to erect a temporary office , they were told the greenhouse itself should have had permission … and it would have to come down .
10 In our explorations , ostensibly in search of good compositions to sketch , we often came upon the nuns : a solitary sister on her knees in front of a grotto , a nervous magpie secreting days off purgatory , would fly up ; a group of novices , disturbed roller-skating or playing the guitar , would look to their novice-mistress for permission to accept a boiled sweet .
11 In early August more than 61,000 South Korean citizens , many of whom had relatives in North Korea , applied for permission to make an unprecedented visit to the North .
12 They applied to the Japanese for permission to fly the national flag and sing the national song , Indonesia Raya .
13 Blanche had just asked him for permission to approach the secret services formally and inspect their files on Graham Mills .
14 They are asking Darlington planning committee for permission to build a 36-bedroom extension .
15 When , in 1150 , the citizens of La Rochelle had asked the Bishop of Saintes for permission to build a new parish church to accommodate the growing number of worshippers , they had met with a refusal .
16 House extension : Mr Ross , of Bryan Close , Hurworth , has applied to Darlington Borough Council for permission to build a single-storey extension to his house .
17 Also BH and LY Skipper of Stockton have applied for permission to build a wooden stable building on land adjacent to Ash Tree Cottage , Roman Road in the village .
18 One of them , Eddy Shah , the former national newspaper owner , said he was no longer interested in a deal with Knighton , but another , Owen Oyston , a local radio-station owner and property entrepreneur , applied to the Football League for permission to obtain a financial interest in United .
19 Divide variegated perennials with great care and be on the look out for reversion to maintain a variegated display of interest and contrast to the lush green foliage of summer planting .
20 James Beggs , has been lobbying hard for money to build a fifth Shuttle-orbiter , and the academy 's assessment could help loosen the purse strings at the white House .
21 You sell your time for money to have a better time in the unsold hours .
22 News on Sunday asked for money to produce a dummy newspaper , which would then be market-researched , and the results wrapped into a feasibility study .
23 At an ARC symposium last week , convened to mark the ARC 's decision to rename itself the Agricultural and Food Research Council , delegates called for action to save the British malting industry which is hit by falling demand for Scotch whisky .
24 And of the Adults who left during the siege , or who managed to survive the fire , three Britons will soon go on trial for conspiracy to murder the federal agents who were killed or wounded in the initial shoot out .
25 The Trees seemed to be waiting for Tealtaoich to make the first move and the largest of the Oaks had inclined their heads quite courteously .
26 In Northumberland , half the farmers are tenant farmers and we need a greater supply of land for rent to ensure the continued prosperity of the tenanted sector , with new entrants being able to come into agriculture .
27 Using the yeast model , they have demonstrated different effects with different degrees of succussion and have also shown that the rest period between finishing the succussion of one potency and sampling it for dilution to prepare the next potency is important .
28 SOME of you may remember me appealing for help to form a national organisation to write to prisoners on death row in the Caribbean .
29 And you are n't asking for help to get the other stuff back into the files at Bad Schwarzendorn . ’
30 By Barry Turnbull MERSEYSIDER Dot Phillips has sent out a call for help to find a missing parrot that mimics telephones .
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