Example sentences of "for [pron] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Scroungers ’ expect something for nothing from the Welfare State , rather than offering a fair day 's work for a fair day 's pay .
2 Golf Magazine , Motorcycle World , Bike , Amateur Gardening — there are specialist magazines for everyone from the rat fancier to the rugby fan .
3 It is time he responded and paid compensation to those farmers , and allowed them to get on with earning their livelihood , instead of telling them that there is nothing for them from the Ministry of Agriculture .
4 No , there 's no problem , I 'm just like , saying that , they sound really thick , they 're rubbish at being in a band , and it 's just all so down-hill for them from the beginning , really , they did n't really have a chance , did they .
5 ‘ They were on the look-out for a female DJ so everyone was very up for me from the word go .
6 Warhol was utterly and completely worthless for me from the word go , something in the history of fashion perhaps but nothing to do with art whatsoever .
7 What I 'd really like , of course , is not to have to bother with lugging kilo bags of sugar and tins of weedkiller back from the town to stuff into electrical-conduit piping which Jamie the dwarf gets for me from the building contractor 's where he works in Porteneil .
8 He said he had a message for me from the Duke of Strelsau .
9 ‘ Something about this entire operation never rang true for me from the start .
10 So unless er anyone has any direct questions for me from the meeting erm
11 But Sally was so good , Luckily I 'd remembered to pack the Farley 's Rusks and she had those mixed up with boiled water the guard got for me from the restaurant car . ’
12 Indeed the railway companies resisted the idea of workmen 's trains , for which from the middle of the nineteenth century there had been a vocal lobby .
13 ‘ I think when you go back to your desk you will find a letter waiting for you from the Commissioner .
14 The beep in the earpiece is when you 're on the phone , either to somebody within the press , or outside the press , and another call comes through for you from the switchboard , and you 're engaged , obviously , and so they camp onto your extension number , and you receive a beep in the earpiece , now you can speak to these people if you key in R star 1 .
15 Shall I arrange a taxi for you from the station ?
16 The hardships that Ceauşescu imposed were not only necessary to provide the funds and material for everything from the House of the People ( to which they would be denied access ) to canals without traffic and power-stations without fuel , but also formed part of the folk-wisdom of tyrants going back much further in history than Ceauşescu 's own model , Stalin .
17 The Catering Manager 's office next door to the Refectory in the Richmond Building is the hub of all action where secretary Gill O' Brien runs the daily order books and takes bookings for everything from the Vice-Chancellor 's lunches to conference buffets .
18 In 1696 Lowther of Lowther , tired of contesting elections , employed his cousin to seek a viscountcy for him from the king .
19 Huy had returned to his house in order to work out a way of getting into the brothel known by the impious name of the Glory of Set — Nebamun had been right , he found that he simply could not let the whole thing drop , and now there was a friend 's death to be avenged — when the message had come for him from the palace compound .
20 The nursing home to which her husband has her committed after her eccentricity has become dangerous , and from which she and the other residents are eventually ejected to be cared for by an amorphous ‘ community ’ , might have been lying in wait for her from the day she was born .
21 Because she had spent so much of her teenage by herself , she had found plenty of time to read the newspapers and the books Patsy would bring home from school , or take out for her from the school library .
22 ‘ In the one-day game you have to be positive and go for it from the word go .
23 They ate well , but she got little thanks for it from the mistress of the hut .
24 We choose the most likely meaning for it from the text .
25 While Mr David Waddington does not intend to use his office to promote capital punishment , and will maintain the tradition of a free vote for MPs , his intervention in a renewed debate would provide the most passionate support for it from the Government front bench since it was abolished in 1965 .
26 Every penny he was paying he was having grant for it from the government Aye .
27 ‘ In fact , I did n't even know McCallen had n't started for I just got my head down and went for it from the fall of the flag .
28 We choose the most likely meaning for it from the world , and in this case the meaning is contextual .
29 We were invited to Stuart Johnston 's retirement party in the English Department ( Stuart met us off the ship when we first arrived in NZ , in 1969 ) ; but Val did n't make the party as she tripped in a gutter and pulled her ankle ( she got free treatment for it from the doctor , thanks to NZ 's Accident Compensation scheme ! ) .
30 There 's nothing important in any of these locations , and if the adventurers fancy a bath they 'll have to fetch water for themselves from the well outside ( location 8 ) and heat it somehow .
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