Example sentences of "for [adj] time [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was a light frost covering the ground and much of the foliage , but it was a mild day for that time of the year .
2 Well for that time of the year it was remarkable really .
3 Now was the main race , a true International with 17 nations on the start line , something we have not seen in Britain for some time despite the fact that the entry was limited because of the following week 's World Sprint Championships which caused some potential entrants to opt out .
4 He talked for some time about a poet called Rimbo .
5 Controversy continued for some time about the identity or otherwise of human and bovine tuberculosis , until the infecting organisms were shown clearly to belong to different species of the large genus Mycobacteria , most of which are harmless to man .
6 Most current work concentrates on child sexual abuse , and SSMH has been concerned for some time about the vulnerability of adults with learning disabilities .
7 That confirms the point that I have been making to the House for some time about the international slow-down and international difficulties .
8 The national park has been concerned for some time about the volume of heavy lorries using roads through the park .
9 So far as education is concerned , it is known that the government has been concerned for some time about an alleged willingness on the part of some teachers to bring the question of homosexuality out into the open in a way that seeks to normalise it as a form of human relationship .
10 Before he had become involved with Sien he had used her for some time as a model .
11 It was widely known , however , that China had been pressing for a Japanese imperial visit for some time as a means of marking a further stage in the country 's rehabilitation from the diplomatic isolation which had followed the Tiananmen Square massacre .
12 Road pricing has been up for discussion for some time as a possible way of alleviating the high levels of traffic congestion in many city centres .
13 ‘ With over 300 covers it was probably too big as a fish restaurant and while it stayed successful for some time as The Chicago Meatpackers , the area around it , in the West End of London , has changed in two major ways .
14 [ The British ] had pressed for some time for a continuation of a combined staff relationship and had only been convinced that we were serious in rejecting this when we moved their combined staff people out of the Pentagon and moved the standing group [ of Nato ] in .
15 A VARIED selection of veteran and vintage aircraft have appeared on the register within the past few months and include the former Warbirds of Great Britain P–63A Kingcobra which has been on rebuild to flying condition at Duxford for some time for The Fighter Collection .
16 It caps a deal that 's been brewing for some time for the pair to co-develop products this year that let Windows applications run on Unix desktops .
17 It caps a deal that 's been brewing for some time for the pair to co-develop products this year that enable Windows applications to run under Unix on desktop systems .
18 Environmental organizations have been calling for some time for the incorporation of environmental criteria into the various CAP support mechanisms .
19 Talks have been going on for some time on a range of scientific matters including fusion , nuclear safety and the environment .
20 We 've had problems at Allbright and Wilsons for some time on a change of working pattern , but this is just a modern way that companies have got today of de-manning people .
21 Computer Users of Europe ( CUE ) , a user group that 's been around for some time on an informal basis , has gone official : it has drafted a constitution and has a steering committee working on making it formal .
22 A few minutes later they had acknowledged Mr Bryant and his daughter outside their house , and then trudged home and stood chatting for some time on the doorstep .
23 Having gorged for some time on the sweet taste of the ‘ knowledge ’ available from large British institutions , those trained in the ‘ Fine Arts ’ emit an acrid belch of superiority on the subject of their craft .
24 ‘ I do n't know what he meant , ’ Allen said after they had been walking for some time on the soft turf at the verge of the track .
25 The quietest month for some time on the Register , with very few in-sequence allocations — and o the rest no less than eleven are aircraft with changed marks .
26 He asked about proceedings at Central Strike Headquarters and lingered for some time on the subject although he received no information .
27 If it gets as far as a decision , it will prove the leading case for some time on the thorny issue of what duty regulators owe the customers of the regulated .
28 We decided to test a model that has been round for some time on the professional market , and is popular amongst tradesman working on side — the Makita 6012HDW Cordless Driver Drill .
29 No decision needs to be taken for some time on the location of the European central bank .
30 After walking for some time through the wood Valdemar put his finger to his lips and motioned us to be quiet .
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