Example sentences of "for [noun] work [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This project is a study of the implications of unemployment for attitudes to work in Britain and France .
2 The NJCC for Building published a Guidance Note on Collateral Warranties and a Procedure Note on Tendering for Building Works without Bills of Quantities .
3 It is perhaps ironical that the differences between spoken and written language are typically much smaller for researchers working on language than for the majority of the population .
4 This lack of explicitness will surely limit the significance of the book for researchers working in speech act theory and related fields .
5 If something does not appear to have been covered , for instance work on interpretations of history ( Attainment Target 2 ) , then some extra activity to cover this can be included in the scheme of work .
6 Although admitting to the Kuomintang General Chang Fa-k'uei that he was a communist , he apparently persuaded him that it would take fifty years for communism to work in Vietnam ; and , in any event , it appeared that , of all the groupings of Vietnamese nationalists , patriots , émigrés and revolutionaries who were to be found in Southeast China , none of them was as dynamic as the Vietminh .
7 The county offers certificates in the teaching and learning of adult basic education and a particular option is available for tutors working with students with severe learning difficulties .
8 Fundholding strengthens the case for pharmacists working in health centres .
9 Recently they produced a highly acclaimed 90-minute video called ‘ A Positive Approach ’ for counsellors working with Aids sufferers and their families .
10 It acts as a service agency for Christians working with youth , and is concerned to provide opportunities for education , and training , for consultation and referral , and to make known or available information , research and resources for frontier work .
11 In 1972 Loiseau left Roanne for Paris to work with Claude Verger , owner of two prestigious city restaurants .
12 Emigration was discussed , and Greece promised to create more seasonal and other openings for Albanians to work in Greece .
13 Working together , they have produced guidelines for people working with prisoners in an attempt to help with accommodation problems and prevent homelessness and insecurity .
14 The programme is intended to provide communication training for people working in health and medical education , community and pastoral work .
15 The first of these was ‘ From Coping to Confidence ’ , published in 1985 and intended as guidance for staff working with students who have moderate learning difficulties .
16 In that year a regional office was opened in Newcastle , providing easier access to their ground for staff working in north-east England .
17 The inquiry 's terms of reference will be ’ to examine selection and appointment methods and criteria for staff working in children 's homes and to recommend improvements ; and to make such further examination as the committee may consider justified of management or other issues relevant to the protection of children and young people and to the support and guidance of staff in such homes . ’
18 An increasing number of ‘ teaching packages ’ have become available for teachers working with pupils with special needs .
19 Last summer we held a successful day for teachers working in specialist areas ( with stroke patients and with the mentally handicapped ) and this year we plan a weekend of dance with a guest teacher from Germany .
20 Awarded a free place at Birmingham University to study music for three years , Peter was short of basics like clothes and books until Elaine Blond gave him £30 and arranged for Peter to work at Bloomsbury House in his holidays to help make up any shortfall .
21 in real terms for capital works on schools .
22 SunLink ISDN is for users working at home or at remote sites accessing corporate computing resources over ISDN phone networks and transmitting images and graphics at high speeds .
23 15.30 Teaching about language through speaking and listening , which should start for pupils working towards level 5 , should focus on :
24 15.35 For pupils working towards level 3 , teachers should refer to relevant material in the programme of study for key stage 1 .
25 15.40 For pupils working towards level 9 , teaching should demonstrate how speech ranges from intimate or casual spontaneous conversation , eg jokes , anecdotes , banter , gossip , argument , through discussion , commentary and debate to more formal forms — lectures , sermons , and formulaic utterances such as toasts , oaths , and banns .
26 For pupils working towards level 1 , the settings should include individual letters , eg ‘ P ’ for Parking , and individual words , eg ‘ Exit ’ , which pupils can be encouraged to recognise ;
27 16.37 For pupils working towards level 3 , teachers should refer to relevant material in the programme of study for key stage 1 .
28 undertake a range of non-chronological writing which includes , for pupils working towards level 2 , some at least of lists , captions , labels , invitations , greeting cards , notices , posters and , for pupils working towards level 3 , plans and diagrams , descriptions , eg of a person or place , and notes for an activity , eg in science or designing and making ;
29 undertake a range of non-chronological writing which includes , for pupils working towards level 2 , some at least of lists , captions , labels , invitations , greeting cards , notices , posters and , for pupils working towards level 3 , plans and diagrams , descriptions , eg of a person or place , and notes for an activity , eg in science or designing and making ;
30 17.49 For pupils working towards level 3 , teachers should refer to level-related and other relevant material in the detailed provisions for key stage 1 .
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