Example sentences of "for [noun] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's money for preparation for the next phase of building work which is to restore the Grand Stair and the rainwater system which has failed .
2 Although Humphrey emphasises that one can not rule out the possibility of auto workers being a conservative force in the future , he does demonstrate that , at this particular historical-political conjuncture , their militant action provided a catalyst for change for the working class .
3 Before resigning ourselves to permanent depression and a feeling that special needs have slipped from the political agenda , it may be useful to look again at some of the implications for change for the better
4 The unrest , which killed 11 people , spread elswhere in the south , the traditional base for support for the Hashemite regime ; first to al Hassaniyeh and al Tufeila , and then up to Kerak , Madaba and Salt .
5 Brockway , Dutt , Gallacher , Jowett , Maxton and Pollitt for the Communists and the ILP appealed for support for the new committee .
6 They 're going overland by motorbike ; it 's all in aid of SNAP the charity that stands for Support for the Sick Newborn and their Parents at the John Radcliffe Hospital .
7 The day began at 10 am for rehearsals for the next production but if this proved unsuccessful , it was taken off and the new production rushed on .
8 This did not automatically lead all in influential circles to conclude that there was a need for provision for the poor by the state .
9 I 'm grateful , that 's for today , erm my Lord it may sound slightly more erm contentious , but I 'd also ask for certificate for counsel for the thirteenth of August hearing , may I say the reason for that , it 's a matter that has n't come before you , you wo n't know about , it 's this , this reason , because at that period it was n't just the application under twenty eighty or twenty eight , four for delay there was another application er , which was unsuccessful which has n't been proceed today , but cost were also disallowed with more serious reason , I submit that said showed er negligent or that improper conduct , there was a substantial attack mounted , and I can use no other words fairly describe it on the professional conduct of and for that reason my Lord er both cos the seriousness of the allegations , but of course also because of the potential conflict that they acted for themselves and it would of been in situation for us solicitor hence to turn up , er they instructed counsel and my self , and so for that double reason in my believe we should be entitled to at , at first stage , ordinarily I would n't of had a very good run for argument but I , it 's my suspicion my clue recollection , be backed up by those behind me , and indeed by the documents that a substantial attack was mounted and it was in , I have to say in full flight terms , and much hence could n't be said to be unreasonable to deem if necessarily , unusually to send counsel in front of a taxing master , well I wo n't say any more on the point , but that is my suspicion
10 Peter Ustinov says of us : ‘ They search for ages for the wrong word which , to give them credit , they eventually find . ’
11 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche , who was to stand for election for the first time , said that the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) might consider entering into a coalition with one of the secular opposition parties , either before or after the election .
12 Janet gave up her secretarial job , and devoted herself to caring for Lisa for the next six months .
13 The second was the request for payment for the three lessons .
14 She appealed unashamedly to her English readers for money for the foreign artists : ‘ If anyone likes to send some money , I will promise to dispense it with the most rigid favouritism towards people who would probably sooner beg than risk the jaundice of a free meal and would sooner have a note of twenty francs all at once than beg every day . ’
15 The squadron has been preparing for action for the past 2 weeks .
16 Each will still be eligible for submission for the next ‘ medium-sized ’ mission to be launched in 2003 .
17 Closing date for entries for the Closed Champion-ships , sponsored by Paul Newbould Planning and Building Design Services , is Monday , March 15 .
18 We think that the money for the war should be used for homes for the homeless .
19 Casting around for precedents for the next move forward , he seized on Michelet 's improvisatory style , which he said put him in mind of the rough sketches of a painter .
20 In a separate housing initiative in the north-east , plans were revealed for housing co-operatives in Grampian to build homes for rent for the first time .
21 The government is not averse to pump priming book provision and has done this three times in the last six years , for the introduction of the GCSE examination , for acquisitions in university libraries and , most recently , for books for the National Curriculum .
22 The course is a joint project of Spurgeon 's College and the Oasis Trust and in effect it provides a choice for candidates for the Baptist ministry .
23 I believe that , while we have a strong Conservative Government , that is reason for optimism for the immediate future . ’
24 And it is a strange type of socialism which sees the prospect of five more years of Thatcherism as ‘ reason for optimism for the immediate future ’ .
25 They recognise that arguments for a fair system of taxation and benefits , for protection from exploitation and discrimination , and for help for the unemployed , are not only moral issues but questions about the cohesion and security of the whole community .
26 The creative team , for example , who appealed for help for the starving Biafrans with the headline , " Fresh food is flying to Biafra " with a visual showing a few live locusts knew what they were doing .
27 DeRoburt was a key architect of Nauru 's campaign for compensation for the 80 years of phosphate mining which had left 80 per cent of Nauru uninhabitable and incapable of sustaining vegetation .
28 The same view must be taken of a claim for compensation for the wrongful repudiation of such an agreement as the basis for such compensation is the failure to comply with a contractual obligation .
29 Because half of the Library 's budget represents payment in advance for subscriptions for the following year , it is extremely difficult to make savings in the current year when financial pressures are exerted .
30 In 1786 , when Robert Burns was preparing his poetry for publication for the first time , he took his manuscript to Glenconner and read his poems to the Tennant family for their approval or otherwise .
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