Example sentences of "for [noun] [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I once went to the Ajami police station to ask for protection but the British constable would n't open the door to me . ’
2 This body is then charged with providing a general report upon the operation of the industry , and making recommendations for change where the public interest is seen to be compromised .
3 The limited availability of materials for building and the primitive methods of construction meant that the houses lasted only about a generation and were often rebuilt and frequently added to as the family increased .
4 The limited availability of materials for building and the primitive methods of construction meant that the houses lasted only about a generation and were often rebuilt and frequently added to as the family increased .
5 Whether it is hiring the local scout hut for rehearsals or the huge expenses of a worldwide tour , someone has to count the cost .
6 At the Brookwood end there were two cheap wooden and cast-iron structures to serve as receiving stations , one for Anglicans and the other for dissenters , Roman Catholics , Parsees , and others .
7 Certainly there may be the odd chart or graph thrown in for luck but the basic requirement is for high quality text .
8 The general output and budget functions for each bureau will differ among bureaucrats according to their preferences for income and the several kinds of perquisites ( Niskanen 1975 ) .
9 Now that both the Secretary of State for Defence and the Prime Minister have comprehensively rubbished those assurances , will the Secretary of State for Scotland have to eat humble pie again or will he stand up for Scotland and make this a resignation issue ?
10 The former shoe retails for £79.99 while the latter is £69.99 .
11 They would then find that they were hanging around for hours and the crafty ones would try to find a prop bed to catch up on some sleep .
12 They are showing there is no substitute for experience and the only disappointment for Tranmere at the moment is the crowd , or rather lack of it .
13 Mind is synonymous with information in two categories ; that governing instructions for operations and the raw information operated upon prior to decision-making .
14 In September 1987 he was asked by an acquaintance called Jit Ballay to supply goods from the shop and to accept payment by two stolen building society cheques , one for £7,950 and the other for £9,250 , which were undated and bore no payee 's name .
15 The chart provides the statutory requirements for in-service inspection and recommended inspections on safety , technical and financial grounds in addition to recommended periods for inspection and the relevant legislation at a glance .
16 For Harlow and the subdivisional area that we actually concentrate on , that takes in forty , or at least , no it does n't .
17 It would also ‘ provide the opportunity for authorities and the private sector to develop good working relationships and adapt to their long-term role as partners and co-operators ’ .
18 Tennyson discloses that the setting of Mariana is in Shakespeare 's Measure for Measure where the dejected Mariana resides alone in a moated grange .
19 For the first time , preparatory Tutorial Classes became eligible for grant-aid and the Advanced Tutorial Class extending into a fourth year was formally recognised for financial support .
20 The powder lip colour lasts for ages and the top gloss seals the colour , but the great thing about it is that you can use different combinations for different effects .
21 Four English Tory Members were members of the Committee considering the Bill and we look forward with interest to see whether that number will rise to seven when we consider the Scottish education Bill because the fidelity of the Hon. Member for Dumfries and the right Hon. Member for Kincardine and Deeside ( Mr. Buchanan-Smith ) can not be relied upon .
22 Indeed , Eleanor Rathbone condemned what she viewed as the selfishness of middle class women who , having got ‘ all they wanted for themselves out of the women 's movement when it gave them the vote , the right to stand for Parliament and the local authorities , and to enter the learned professions ’ , then sat back .
23 His call for Strathclyde councillors to reject cuts and stand for re-election if the Scottish Office decided to cap the region 's budget was rejected by Labour .
24 The reduction was regarded by Ministers as modest grounds for hope that the high level of imports is at last beginning to ease and the three-month picture shows a 13.4pc fall in the deficit .
25 Foucault points out several factors which fundamentally challenge this : the fact , for instance that the sexual apparatus and the nuclear family were produced by the bourgeoisie as an aspect of its own self-affirmation , not as a means of controlling the working class ; that there are class sexualities ( and different gender sexualities ) ; that indeed there are sexualities , not a single uniform sexuality .
26 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
27 * whether the decision involves a modification to previous purchasing patterns , for instance when the usual product purchased has been re.formulated , an apparently attractive new brand introduced , or the purchaser 's usage context for the product has changed .
28 ( 3 ) An action of which the value ( defined below ) is less than £25,000 shall be tried in a county court unless : ( a ) a county court considers that it ought to transfer the action to the High Court for trial and the High Court considers that it ought to try the action ; or ( b ) it is commenced in the High Court and the High Court considers that it ought to try the action ( art 7(3) ) .
29 Two of the Faculty 's departments , the Centre for Criminology and the Social and Philosophical Study of Law and the Europa Institute , are constituted as inter-Faculty Centres .
30 Centre for Criminology and the Social and Philosophical Study of Law
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