Example sentences of "for [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He played soccer for Middlesbrough in the immediate post-war years and , in 1950 , moved to Portsmouth where he played professionally until 1958 , after which he drifted away from the club never to contact Portsmouth again ( W. J. B. Davis , Portsmouth FC Secretary , personal communication , 1979 ) .
2 One reason for resistance to the new paradigm was the sheer impossibility of convincing geologists in the traditional way : by convening on an outcrop and hammering out the evidence .
3 Through this people God called for resistance to the great rebel and usurper of the world .
4 This involved the translocation of the gene responsible for resistance to the carbamate insecticide propoxur on to the male-Y-chromosome so that only the males were resistant .
5 According to Durex , whose condoms account for 80% of the British market , purchases made by women have risen steadily over the past 10 years .
6 They accounted for 80% of the prenatal diagnoses in mothers under 35 and 25% of such diagnoses in older women , for whom maternal age is still the most common indication although in these the use of serum screening is increasing .
7 It is difficult to compare the success of different systems , for reasons including the following :
8 In the United States , for example , there is a discernable preference for products with the technological appeal of a ‘ gadget ’
9 These range from the notion that creativeness reflects the same warring psychological tendencies that are responsible for insanity to the intriguing , though question-begging , idea that some mad people are simply labelled as geniuses because of their apparently mystical and divinely inspired qualities of thought .
10 The 22-year-old No 8 was the key to a back row supremacy that absorbed , disheartened and ultimately destroyed Oxford 's thrust for glory in the 111th Bowring Bowl Varsity match .
11 As already described , the Saxon rebel Wittikind fled to the Danes for protection during the second conquest of Saxony in 776 .
12 The proposed EC directive calls for protection of the 10 most important sites for each designated habitat or species within four years , and the top 100 sites in each case within 10 years .
13 By the late 1920s the nationalist government had achieved tariff autonomy and an agreement in principle to give up extraterritoriality , yet enclaves of foreign settlers , foreign interests and foreign troops ( nominally for protection of the first two ) remained .
14 In its majority opinion the Court found that " the mere existence of a generalized political " motive to the coercion was inadequate to qualify someone for protection under the 1980 Act , and that the law required the persecution to be motivated by the opinions of the victim rather than by those of the persecutor .
15 Iraq has not designated the wetlands for protection under the international Ramsar convention .
16 A map showing areas of British coastal waters being considered for protection under the European Community 's habitats directive is apparently being withheld from public distribution at the request of the Department of the Environment .
17 Rather than seeking to match American strength Western Europe soon looked to Washington for protection from the Soviet Union .
18 They proposed that they became Frankish vassals in return for protection against the expanding might of Abd-ar-Rahman the Ommeyad , who had taken over virtually the whole of Spain .
19 The selection criteria used were the same for all patients — namely , each patient was individually assessed with respect to general fitness for function of the anal sphincter .
20 It 's money for preparation for the next phase of building work which is to restore the Grand Stair and the rainwater system which has failed .
21 The second main objective of an audit is to ascertain and evaluate the reliability of the accounting systems used as the basis for preparation of the financial statements .
22 Pablo Riveroll of Baring Securities in Mexico City says the investment could be hugely profitable for Televisa in the long term , but notes that it will bring the firm no net profit until 1996 .
23 Bawsinch Nature Reserve was bought in 1971 for £1,000 by the Scottish Wildlife Trust to provide a buffer zone for Duddingston Bird Sanctuary and provide additional habitats .
24 Agriculture accounts for 50% of the long-term damage inflicted on these areas .
25 had the future of their country and their children to consider , and it was their duty as men and husbands to use their utmost efforts to bring about a condition of things , where their wives would be in their proper sphere at home , instead of being dragged into competition for livelihood against the great and strong men of the world .
26 Martyn Grimley , another Great Britain player , will be appearing for Brooklands in the Second Division .
27 A proactive stance is essential in terms of setting and maintaining the mood for change across the various agencies of justice .
28 Despite a lengthy investigation into the affairs of 10 accountants connected with the Lloyd 's reinsurance scandal in 1982 , the Joint Disciplinary Scheme has decided not to apportion blame to any of them , prompting calls from some quarters for change to the regulatory regime .
29 There appeared to be a much greater awareness of the possibilities and scope for change at the local levels .
30 Although Humphrey emphasises that one can not rule out the possibility of auto workers being a conservative force in the future , he does demonstrate that , at this particular historical-political conjuncture , their militant action provided a catalyst for change for the working class .
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