Example sentences of "have [not/n't] [be] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Saunders , who has scored 11 goals in 35 international appearances , has not been on a losing side since August 23 .
2 The intense moments of pain and fear that gripped me were too remote to be understood by anyone who has not been through a similar experience .
3 The extreme range seems to be from 5 to 6.4 or so , but generally it remains between 4.6 and 5.2 ; it has not been through a major minimum since 1949 .
4 The increase has not been at a constant rate .
5 She has n't been for a long time .
6 ‘ He 's not married , has n't been for a long time .
7 Has n't been for a few years .
8 And I think her husband will probably die before she will but erm he cos he 's older than she is even , but erm and he 's not very well , has n't been for a long time .
9 Dropping anchor and manoeuvring into the quayside puts a good dinghy sailor who has n't been on a small cruiser before under considerable strain .
10 unless he has n't been near a phone and could n't ring her .
11 As anyone who has n't been in a coma for the last ten years knows as much anyway , why bother ?
12 As anyone who has n't been in a media-induced coma over the last ten years knows , her trite ditties are irrelevant to the story — IM
13 ‘ We 've been refusing that man a cheque book for months but he just went inside and someone from senior management , who has n't been behind a counter for years , just hands one over without a thought . ’
14 If it had not been for a visitor arriving then and her being obliged to leave instantly she had no doubt they would have waded into deeper waters and she knew she would not have been sorry .
15 She would have recovered some of her old high spirits if it had not been for a bout of measles and turning more and more to alcohol .
16 He ate and drank simply and , although he enjoyed the theatre , he had not been to a play for twenty years .
17 In 1979 , the Cabinet of twentytwo contained only seven ministers ( Edwards , St John-Stevas , Younger , Nott , Biffen , Carlisle , and Maude ) who had not been in a previous Cabinet .
18 The scuffle at the Club Des Esseintes aside , she had not been in a fight since elementary school .
19 Only one symptom , a persistent cough , was reported more often for those who had not been in a residential home — 24 per cent compared with 10 per cent of those who had spent some time in such a home .
20 Taking all types of respondents together their ratings were similar for people who had not been in a residential home at all and those who had been in one for a year or more , while those who had only spent part of the last year of their lives in a residential home were generally felt to have had a worse quality of life : for 39 per cent of them it was rated as poor compared with 27 per cent of the other two groups .
21 In one recent group one woman had not been in a lift for twenty years .
22 The Midland Centre for Neurosurgery and Neurology is the only centre in the United Kingdom able to provide such a pioneering operation which is only available through the N.H.S. If Mr. Thorpe had not been in a fortunate position of being able to register with a G.P. in a different Health Authority , he would not have had his operation .
23 Anyway , I 've not been in a black cab in years .
24 They 've not been in a flat
25 You 've not been near a phonebox or a letterbox .
26 Crowds of people , including many who had n't been to a church for years , came to hear him .
27 You said you had n't been to a gym in ages .
28 This month David Savage discusses the importance of mistakes within the workshop , and looks at a finish he would otherwise not now use if it had n't been for a disaster
29 The Flying Scot would probably have made the move before now — if it had n't been for a pact Laughton made when he left Widnes sixteen months ago .
30 Fortune having smiled on them , and I mean if it had n't been for a lump of expanded foam out of one of the life boats that had blown up at , if it had n't come floating past me , I mean I would have been a goner as well , but I got hold of that .
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