Example sentences of "have [to-vb] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may be that Parliament has to look at this issue of excluding people from property when they 've got property rights , ’ he said .
2 It 's what everyone has to do at some time — it 's called taking responsibility for yourself .
3 Clearly , any reasonable number of players can have to go at this game , taking it in turns to bat and bowl .
4 I do intend to er to attend inaugural meetings with each of the C P O s er with a view to looking I mean obviously at some stages you said to me that I would probably have to attend at short notice
5 This means there will be time to get everything down but that your brain will have to work at full speed and concentration to analyse all the words .
6 Writing the software was somewhat tedious , but having to work at this level did help the designers to get away from preconceptions about interaction which they might have had if they had been working within the input/output facilities provided by a conventional mini or mainframe operating system ( for example , that it needs a RETURN to terminate user input or that the operating system can properly handle the echoing of characters to the terminal ) .
7 ‘ Obviously you do not have to answer at this stage if you would prefer not to , but I wondered if Mr Riddle had taken out any substantial life insurance or endowment policies ? ’
8 Robyn has a vivid mental image of the girl before her , now so pleasantly and comfortably dressed , sheathed in latex and nylon , the full fetishistic ensemble of brassiere , knickers , suspender belt and stockings with which the lingerie industry seeks to truss the female body , and having to parade at some fashion show in front of leering men and hardfaced women from department stores .
9 ‘ We are looking at voluntary redundancy , early retirement , job swaps , but if we ca n't do it by the end of the year we will have to look at compulsory redundancy . ’
10 I 'm slightly concerned about this because it said that other matters erm we do n't know what other matters until the inspector has been in , in June and has identified those other matters , presumably when we get the further inspector 's report next Autumn or after June , it will address issues which may have been ones he has addressed this year and maybe not , er and we will have to look at that inspector 's report when we receive it .
11 And I shall have to look at that photograph that is n't him at all , just a soldier in uniform , sepia , like all the soldiers .
12 I would take the train down the line where they would have to change at some junction and plead with them the cause of the Liverpool seamen .
13 ‘ We are conscious , ’ John Page concluded , ‘ that our costs put quite a burden on some of you , and I believe we are going to have to look at that aspect of the ‘ level playing field ’ because we know you think this unfair as not all countries are in the same position .
14 A case in point was a series of devastating strikes that Finniston had to weather at British Steel in 1974 .
15 Here Revelstoke was in his element ; acute intelligence and charm , capacity for meticulous work , presence and eloquence , fluency in French and Spanish , and , above all , financial acumen made him a match for the wiliest of South American presidents , North American railway barons , European finance ministers , and the members of the British cabinet with all of whom he had to deal at one time or another .
16 To keep clear of British radar and stay undetected , the bombers had to fly at low level and so never attained the necessary height .
17 Although the amount NoS had to raise at this point was small compared with what was to come later , those involved say that in many ways it was harder work .
18 I think that er one of the things that we had to examine at national level er and this was done erm after I became a full time officer , erm there 'd usually be a procedure in the national agreement er whereby first of all if we registered failure to agree at domestic level , erm with the management , the next stage was to draw in the district secretary .
19 Before you can change your child 's behaviour you have to look at that behaviour very closely .
20 To establish this , we have to look at other evidence in the surrounding context .
21 Erm and er the other thing about it is that although we have to look at , in order to discover the preference , we have to look at each dimension as a discrete entity , once you 've found the preferences , they actually have a dynamic relationship with each other .
22 ‘ Our message to the Treasury is that they have to look at public spending on research and development in aeronautics as an investment , not just an expenditure ’ , says an official of the Society of British Aerospace Companies .
23 To find the roots of the tragedy you have to look at Somali history .
24 We have to look at left criticism in the context of the harsh political climate in which it has had to survive , the resultant lack of opportunities to practice and develop , and the dominance of mainstream criticism and its supporting political ideas .
25 But all managers have to negotiate at some time so it pays to learn about handling the process well .
26 Erm sorry about this , but er it 's a sort of a chore we have to do at this stage .
27 The Bill should be supported , but unless a much more determined attack on the problem , and its roots , is launched , we shall , I fear , have to address at some point in the future an even more hideous nightmare than that which confronts us now .
28 We have to land at another airport before we finish our journey .
29 I have to confess at this point that my own sensitivity to psychic phenomena is scarcely higher than that of a slab of concrete .
30 That we have to develop at some stage .
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