Example sentences of "have [to-vb] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every time he has to wait for a question , he claims victory .
2 Each call sent out by a client has to wait for a response before another is sent .
3 Each call sent out by a client has to wait for a response before another is sent .
4 What happens if Well , oh sa , pwurgh , I do n't know , I mean she has to wait for a week .
5 In May 1991 , after 30 years of bitter civil war , Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia , but has to wait for the referendum officially to declare itself an independent state .
6 In May 1991 , after 30 years of bitter civil war , Eritrea broke away from Ethiopia , but has to wait for the referendum officially to declare itself an independent state .
7 In Women and Psychology ( Williams 1979 ) , for instance , Ladner 's paper ‘ Growing up Black ’ , which describes the specific experiences of growing up in US cities in the 1960s , has to stand for the effects of both ‘ race ’ and class on gender .
8 It is impossible to watch the towplane and the ground ahead during the climb out so that in the event of a launch failure the glider pilot has to look for a field , whereas in the normal tow position he has a good view of the fields ahead all the time .
9 This has to last for the rest of our lives . "
10 The teacher playing the Pied Piper , with whom the class has to negotiate for the release of the children .
11 In the first case , with a dependent text , one has to allow for the exercise of schematic knowledge which will to some degree lead to the bypassing of language and the avoidance of inference .
12 Then a lightning stab is made , in which the bird has to allow for the refraction of the water surface .
13 To be effective for tax purposes a Deed of Covenant has to turn for a period capable to exceeding three years .
14 Parker , of course has to argue for the mainframe 's continued existence , but he does so persuasively with a blizzard of points seeking to prove that a ) the mainframe market is n't really in decline and b ) the mainframe will be able to evolve successfully into an indispensable network superserver .
15 It is true that it must be able to check the excesses of even the ruling class ; but Poulantzas also has to account for the tendency of capitalist states to favour capitalist interests .
16 This is the price that an investor has to pay for the possibility that the share price may change to make the option in-the-money .
17 There may be some discontinuity in policy occasioned by governments of different political persuasions pursuing different paths , but that is the price — an acceptable price — one has to pay for the advantages offered by the existing system .
18 Although the Library has to pay for the discs , no further costs are involved in searching .
19 Dr Mowlam said Jeffrey 's asthma and eczema were getting worse as a result of the stress and worry about the money he has to pay for the medication .
20 Applications are usually expensive , often costing several hundred pounds ; after all , someone has to pay for the advertising and the glossy box .
21 And he concludes , ‘ of all the warnings that the inner city has to offer for the direction British society is taking , this is perhaps the most sinister ’ .
22 16 year old Mark Cross and 17 year old Paul Eversham are being brought into the side to show off the talent Hereford has to offer for the future .
23 Homoeopathy has therefore become a postgraduate study and has to rely for the recruitment of its practitioners on those members of the medical , dental , veterinary and pharmaceutical professions who are open-minded enough to try new approaches .
24 Alongside these developments the plan also has to cater for the projection of a school image which is honest and intelligible and for making and fulfilling promises about quality .
25 But B of course if you did badly in those elections in May the government might have done badly in May , then morale would have been rock bottom of having to go into an election , he would have had to go for an election six weeks later or they 'd run out of time , yeah .
26 Or whether you 've had to wait for an hour in the rain for the bus to come along , whether you 're in a good mood or a bad mood .
27 They would have been less well advised to move from temporary obligation to redemption if they had had to wait for the money which the peasants owed them , but the government realized that peasants were in no position to redeem their obligations overnight and advanced most of the money to which nobles were entitled in the form of interest-bearing bonds .
28 It is ironical that the Court composers should have had to wait for the establishment of the Commonwealth before their songs were published .
29 How long would America have had to wait for the Community to pull all its members behind a common policy ?
30 Her solicitor , Warren Reed , from Ratcliffe and Co , said yesterday : ‘ Helena Bonham Carter and her parents very much regret that they have had to arrange for the issue of a writ against Andrew James Farquharson .
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