Example sentences of "have [to-vb] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is more a standard , a form of self-reliance , a determination that if one has to go in the end , better be correctly dressed .
2 On the one hand , there is no value in tutorial staff teaching unrealistic and out-of-date care which the learner has to unlearn in the ward .
3 The Medical Research Council 's Common Cold Research Unit showed that it is not the person who gets caught in the rain or sits in a draught who is likely to develop a cold but the one who has to work in the air-conditioned , centrally-heated , artificially-lit atmosphere found in many modern office blocks .
4 To achieve this position a chant leader has to engage in a form of ‘ hazarding ’ of a particularly subtle kind .
5 Inevitably , that Eighties concept of revivalism has to surface in a piece like this , yet how can we pin down a disco revival ?
6 A further step in this process has been the acknowledgement of the part that housing has to play in the provision of long stay accommodation for people suffering from dementia .
7 Moreover no matter the size of part each dancer has to play in the unfolding of the plot or the quality of each dancer 's place in the dance design , everything must be mapped in every aspect .
8 The role of advertising within the marketing mix is the part it has to play in the marketing strategy .
9 The agent has to fill in the financial returns has to send in a report of financial expenditure .
10 And I 've no doubt at all that the answer to that question has to lie in an understanding of the mechanics of development .
11 ‘ The fact that she has to live in the public eye , I mean , I would slit my wrists already .
12 The child has to type in the name of his or her team and the squad of players , and identify the best players .
13 The first was the importance of man 's biological base , that is , that man belongs to a species which has to survive in a material environment , and that he has certain innate drives or instincts which affect his behaviour , although they do not determine it .
14 Nature of operations The Bank operates on a non-profit-making basis , and so its interest charges are close to the average rates it has to pay in the EC and international capital markets .
15 Wendy ( played by Maggie Smith plus wrinkly make-up ) has to stay in the Wendy house , while grown-up Peter forgets all about his kidnapped daughter , and concentrates instead on the more important business of bonding with his kidnapped son .
16 The Kenyan government has to arbitrate in the conflict of interests between foreign capital , the local auxiliary bourgeoisie and the various strata of politically powerful petite bourgeoisie .
17 Everyone has to join in the charade : ah , what a good family we are !
18 This has to happen in the face of a continuing decline of the fertilizer business in general .
19 Badie and Birnbaum ( 1983 : 77–8 ) have argued that in countries where the working class has to organize in the context of a strong state , the labour movement has often been preoccupied with state power , giving rise to a powerful strand of revolutionary syndicalism as in France or Spain .
20 Even in a school one has to think of a very large number of different pupils with their own different characteristics and strengths and weaknesses , and one has to operate in a classroom and to a timetable and with given resources , and so on and so forth , and the combination of all these pressures and the ways that one has got used to handling them , on the whole , is what makes a person teach the way they do .
21 Platt has had to wait in the wings because he is one of four foreign players fighting for the permitted three places .
22 The upsurge in traffic in the 1980s has alas meant that passengers have often had to stand in the centre aisles , in the lobbies , and around the door vestibules .
23 Our on-going employees have also had to participate in the task of keeping costs under control as we freeze salary levels and restructure staff benefits .
24 Up to now Tranmere reserves have had to play in the Midland Senior League , having had several previous applications to join the Pontins League rejected .
25 I 've had to put in a lot of stitches .
26 I know what I have had to do in the service of my T'ang .
27 I could n't explain that I would have had to leave in a month or so anyway — but I pointed out that in fact I was n't well , had n't been for quite a while whatever he chose to think , and that a rest would do me good .
28 sort of , quarter past seven he 's had to leave in the morning to get there and then not getting home to , sort of , seven o'clock Dave picks up from the station and I think
29 And I 've had to believe in the power of the subconscious as well as my own responsibilities ,
30 He says it 's meant his elderly mother has had to live in a house that 's dangerous , barely habitable and will cost eighty thousand pounds to repair .
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