Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [prep] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 Andy Warren does n't have a door key , he has to get in another way .
2 There 's a popular misconception that a beginner 's instrument does n't have to function in any way like a professional model , because much less is expected of it , and that is just not altogether true .
3 And if Guido was trying to get her back up by suggesting that Arnie might be enjoying some romantic peccadillo , he would have to look for another way to upset her .
4 Erm the people who have problems erm I would think , because of of feeling probably the way , they feel about living in the flats or about having to live in that way , does n't make them feel any batter about erm you know any any other particular difficulties that they 're having .
5 What crime have we committed that we should have to live in this way ? ’
6 So that means that er , in th the total we do have to pay in some way or another , is four thousand pounds with sixty but we 'll say we 've already got three thousand four hundred , if all the for , forty people go and they pay twenty five pounds each , that 's another thousand , so we 've got a I think I 've got it right , a , we 're only a hundred and sixty short .
7 So you 're gon na have to think of another way .
8 But other righteous causes are going to have to look for another way to organise .
9 I had to come round this way this morning to get to Whitehall It 's just so chock-a-block on that new ro roadway .
10 She went out of one door but then a sheet of flame came down and blocked me , so I had to look for another way out . ’
11 However this may be , Robinson ( 1955 ) , in common with most subsequent investigators of transfer from verbal pretraining to a perceptual task , made use of a quite different task procedure — a test of recognition memory in which the subject had to respond in one way to stimuli that had been presented in pre-training and in a different way to novel stimuli .
12 If this year we have to stabilize in this way , do these things , then that 's not a bad achievement compared with what we set out with three months ago .
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