Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 who comes two years later when he has to do the same price again and it costs him money or her .
2 Now Sir Colin has to spread the same degree of charm throughout BA 's expanding empire .
3 They 're just confirming that not everyone has to sing the same song .
4 To be equivalent to this , an investment in a two-year bond has to yield the same amount , implying that the current two-year rate is rs 2 = 7 per cent : 100(1.07) 2 = 114.49 .
5 B has to achieve the same end result by using materials available in the early nineteenth century , e.g.
6 I 've really had to work hard to get where I got to and when I fight a black guy , I know that he 's had to do the same thing , I think : ‘ Well , he 's had it as hard as me ’ and little zest goes out of your punching , I just want to beat him on points .
7 These two men , and many between , have had to make the same type of decisions about the positions of their steel works .
8 What makes it look all the more daft is that they will often have to wear the same number tabard all the way through , which over top hat and tails makes them look like someone wearing his vest over his dinner jacket .
9 The very next day , Sunday , I would have to attend the same chapel in its religious function , and the fact that the previous evening it had been a battleground for people who were supposed to be friends and allies , while the ‘ enemy ’ got on with his job uninterrupted outside , led to a more or less permanent confusion in my mind , which I now believe to be totally justified , between violence and religion , and between fact and fancy [ or film ] .
10 And they , do they all have to carry the same weight ?
11 The writer writes out of his own wounds and in doing so he enables his reader to experience emotional change , emotional growth , healing without having to suffer the same fate as his character .
12 It says it 's wrong that a judge should have to pass the same sentence on an abused wife who kills a brutal husband as it does on a robber armed with a shotgun who kills in cold blood .
13 We would have to meet the same conditions — no more , no less .
14 In other words , ambitious Labour politicians will have to apply the same skills that win national elections to internal party contests .
15 Rather they explore the possibilities of rhythm and use the two contrasting guitars to show every instrument does n't have to play the same melody .
16 Erm that the time has now come to accept that we do have to do the same things and it has to be in black and white and it has to be E E C wide .
17 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
18 By that they mean that multiplying them together in either order would have to give the same result .
19 On the other hand , the idea of having to use the same ball that went into touch if you want to take a quick throw-in is a red herring .
20 He was disgusted by Pete , but they would have to share the same space for years .
21 It seems you keep having to hold the same conversation over and over again .
22 You do n't have to have the same kind of bathwater . ’
23 Mr Edmonds said all companies would have to pay the same base rate so they could not complain of unfair competition .
24 In fact , she 'll have to eat the same amount of calories as Mary — rather than what she ate before — or she 'll eventually regain the lost weight .
25 We do have occasions where we 're having to say the same thing er over and over again , because nothing very much has happened .
26 Erm first of all er would you , if er if you became Euro candidate er the unequivocally support the objectors to this motorway and secondly , would it be an embarrassment to you having to take the same line as Gary on the matter .
27 As the spend over the three years will be more than that — last year 's spend was £17 million and I expect this year 's to be £25 million , making a total of £42 million — I suppose that I could give my hon. Friend the assurance that he seeks , but even if our figures were so way out that I could be caught on that commitment , when I consider the matter next May — assuming that the burden still falls to me to do so — I would have to make the same calculation as I made this year .
28 He would have to make the same improvement as his stable-companion Forest Sun did from Chepstow to Ascot to be given a sporting chance here .
29 Erm other people should have to make the same sacrifices .
30 Then , at the end of the day , wet and tired , they would have to make the same walk back again .
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