Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 With Alan Kernaghan suspended , and newcomer Jon Gittens not eligible , Lawrence has to find an answer to the centre half problem .
2 It is almost as though one has to pass a test to be their friend .
3 As strategic planning is concerned with broad policies and goals it has to relate the organisation to its environment and predict the effects of any changes in that environment .
4 So , in order to lure the winners of the PPA awards along to the chosen banqueting room , the association has to tip the wink to likely winners .
5 Of course it still has to sell the idea to management and our source thinks Austin is still 24 months from a product , but the notion could be IBM 's answer to Microsoft 's NT .
6 First the company has to sell the service to a young market , and it also has a major competitor : Thorn EMI , whose Hospitelli service currently has installations in 30 hospitals .
7 If we consider a machine with clockwise blade rotation , the tail rotor has to apply a push to the right side of the tail to cancel the torque reaction .
8 This conference has to give a message to Jo John Smith to maintain union links , to strengthen them , not destroy them .
9 The Banco Popolare di Bergamo , one of Italy 's oldest banks , will be replacing all of the character-based OA software used in its 240 branches with Applix 's Aster*x on Sparcstations and link to Oracle 's RDMS : the $18m deal is reportedly worth $1m-plus to Applix which has to convert the software to Italian .
10 The MMC is not able to initiate investigations itself ; either the DGFT or the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has to refer a case to it .
11 Thus , if the consumer is dissatisfied with certain types of consumer service covered by one of these schemes , he has to refer the matter to a documents-only arbitration .
12 If , after all this , the local authority is ‘ disposed to grant consent ’ for the demolition ( and , in certain cases , the alteration ) of a listed building , it has to refer the application to the secretary of state so that he can decide whether to ‘ call in ’ the proposal and deal with it himself .
13 Whereas pity has to overcome a reluctance to be drawn into subjective awareness of another 's suffering , cruelty welcomes it .
14 The priest , somewhat contrivedly , has to have a piggy-back to the house : ( And mounts without any more words On the " cul " of the boy … )
15 When the loan has been fully paid up the lender has to reassign the house to the borrower .
16 Now , that would have been a W I committee day so we 've had to alter the committee to the Tuesday , so I 'm afraid they 'll be no handy craft on Tuesday the first of December .
17 Potter says this approach has been satisfactory , although he would not say how many times the company had used it , but Psion has never had to take a case to court .
18 Of course Luiza should n't be paired with the lanky and very young tenor ; they 'd have to replot the run-up to that part so that she came into the ballroom with someone else .
19 Similarly , if you wanted to pronounce the word you would have to transmit the 538-code to the speech output system , so that the appropriate phonological representation can be generated .
20 ‘ You 'll have to wear a skirt to the office . ’
21 Well all I can suggest is the case is adjourned for the week we 'll just have to arrange a solicitor to be here .
22 Instead of having to cancel a trip to the Blue Mountains , she 'd had to put off a trip to the Blue Danube .
23 For a government having to establish a guide to the existing extent of economic inequality and some principles as to when inequality shades to poverty and becomes a policy problem , there is the question of what policy instrument to use .
24 Public law remedies will enable him or her to establish the illegality of the order ; but , unless the applicant can take advantage of some statutory provision for compensation , he or she will have to establish an entitlement to damages in private law if the damage is to be made good by monetary compensation .
25 Erm we have to restrict the input , I 'd have to restrict the input to three .
26 The food was impeccably tasteful , wine excellent , speeches fine : undeniably last was best with Sue Solomon dressed like an exuberant garden , released from her barrister 's black and white reminding us of DameJanet 's odd stress when asking us ( long ago of course ) to give three cheers for Mrs Gandhi ‘ Somerville 's first woman Prime Minister ’ — Sue added ‘ I sincerely trust that Somervillians of the future will never have to drink a toast to Somerville 's first male P.M. ! ’
27 The slower the growth , the more time AT&T will have to strengthen the challenge to OS/2 from its rival Unix operating system .
28 the extent to which the school as a whole had felt threatened by having to submit a report to the LEA .
29 But I would have to give the money to him , mind . ’
30 I think I would have to give the biscuit to him because one day I was down at the bankruptcy court and I discovered that he had 130 petitions on the file and I do n't think mine reached 100 !
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