Example sentences of "have [vb pp] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They would 've looked at the lights , I know .
2 Another accolade has fallen at the feet of Patricia Grant , already honoured with an OBE by the Queen for her efforts in building up Norfrost , the domestic freezer supplier which exports 75 per cent of the 5,000 units it produces each week .
3 Inevitably , in such a well-established industry — modern-style factoring has been in existence in the UK since the 1960s product improvement has come at the margins .
4 With regard to the Bill before us today , education is a most important issue and I doubt whether the House , despite the intentions of the few who are actively interested , has looked at the problems that have arisen .
5 James Bond , for example , has looked at the estates of both Abingdon and Evesham Abbeys , and clearly shown the variety of topographical features which can still be distinguished on their scattered estates .
6 Mr Benn , who often comes to our help at these moments , has promised that as soon as a Labour government under Mr Kinnock has looked at the books and realised the true extent of the crisis , it will realise the need for serious measures .
7 THIS correspondent , like many others , has suffered at the hands of groups under instruction .
8 Edmund arrives to find Emily 's cat has got at the lobsters and broken her beautiful china ; and in a moment of quiet at the end of his visit a boring neighbour ( well known to him from the letters ) makes her way in — and alas , like most bores who are funny in letters , she is not so in real life .
9 He rose , began to pace the room , stared at the butler who entered , and said to Orrin , ‘ Beg pardon , sir , for interrupting , but the housekeeper says that a young woman , claiming to be Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall , has arrived at the servants ’ entrance , and what is she to do ? ’
10 There are occasions when after a long and difficult dig , and when a long time has elapsed before the recovery of the ferret and rabbit , you may discover that your ferret has scraped at the hindquarters of the rabbit for so long that it has broken the skin , drawn blood and started to eat the rabbit before it died .
11 Little has changed at the components level , Grove said .
12 She 'd stood there , shivering with the cold , her already ragged clothes ripped further by the rough handling she 'd endured at the hands of the militia .
13 It was the same look she 'd directed at the men all through lunch and they 'd loved it .
14 Although thus easy so far — albeit unexpectedly — he could hardly have guessed at the difficulties ahead .
15 Having looked at the services export houses have to offer , we shall now look at a number of reasons why a manufacturer might want to use one .
16 Having looked at the photos you will probably be wondering why , despite this being a completely new product , there is such an air of familiarity about the design .
17 Having looked at the requirements , it remains to point out that there are no financial limits on the operation of the 1964 Act .
18 In the same way , he might have looked at the conflicts between institutions , genres and styles during the 1890–1930 period ( for instance , between old-fashioned vaudeville and new syncopated styles ; or between the requirements of public dance and private listening ) , rather than just the more homogeneous synthesis established by the time it ended .
19 Alfred Snr would have looked at the Quakers ' current predicament without much surprise .
20 So it 's like that without , I mean , with Carla , I mean , you ca n't you know , you just ca n't think when you 've got ta I mean she would have been bored and she would n't have looked at the gifts .
21 If the doorsteps could have curled at the edges , they would have done so .
22 Past experience in nursing can also reflect a very hierarchical , even military approach , and some ‘ procedures ’ may have suffered at the hands of obsessional and aggressive teaching .
23 At the same time it assured that those who , under weaker leadership , might have suffered at the hands of armies , could live in greater security .
24 I rather think that the RN instructors on my course must have suffered at the hands of the Customs on returning from a foreign tour as they really gave us a hard time .
25 We write this section with feeling , having suffered at the hands of indifferent members of committees .
26 It had only six bedrooms , but there was enough room in the kitchens and pantries to billet an army , though they would certainly have mutinied at the conditions there .
27 For the next few years American audiences were shown aspects of their society that they could never have expected to have encountered at the movies and it must have struck at least some members of the public that film-going had become a more serious business .
28 His eyes were hooded and white spittle had formed at the corners of his mouth .
29 The case concerned a rusty old car which had belonged to one M. The structure of the car had rusted at the sides of the engine compartment and M had attempted to repair this with plastic body filler .
30 But when the King of Toledo heard of the hurt which he had received at the hands of the Cid , he sent to King Don Alfonso to complain thereof , and the King was greatly troubled .
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