Example sentences of "have [vb pp] it [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Someone who has received an object in exchange is like a buyer ; and so is someone who has received it in payment or retained it after settlement of a law suit or obtained it on the basis of a promise otherwise than as a gift .
2 The plastic weapon has been condemned as tasteless and at least one shop has withdrawn it from sale .
3 Yet Dr. Elliott is elsewhere in print ( on the back of an Abbey Records LP ) as maintaining as almost certain that Carver composed the superb anonymous 6-Part Mass , ‘ Cantate Domino , ’ intimately related musically to Fera Pessima , which survives in partbooks from Lincluden ( Dr. Elliott has edited it from performance , and declared it ‘ shows more assured technical command ’ than Fere Pessima itself ) ; while the Carver Choirbook itself contains a fine anonymous 3-Part Mass which several scholars have suspected to be genuine Carver — and which is moreover largely in his hand .
4 Before beginning to investigate a complaint , the Commissioner will tell the complainant and the member that he has accepted it for investigation .
5 He has accepted it in principle , which does him great credit .
6 If the indemnifier is a natural person , the death or personal injury in question could either be suffered by the indemnifier himself , or by a third party who has suffered it by reason of the indemnitee 's negligence and is claiming against the indemnitee in tort .
7 Thus Terence Davies is to be congratulated for having ‘ wrenched high art from the lower depths of his deprived Liverpool childhood ’ ( The Mail on Sunday , 16 October 1988 ) , which is a ‘ recreation devoutly to be wished ’ and not least because ‘ he has done it without rancour ’ ( how typically British ) .
8 I think , I think that last erm break in has done it to death has n't it ?
9 An election candidate has made it to Number 10 — in the pop charts with Evapor-8 .
10 He and Peter have always been good friends and David is the type of lad that once he 's made friends with someone , he has made it for life , ’ says Brian Gedge .
11 ‘ She has been absolutely wonderful and has made it like home for us .
12 Rate-setting is a springtime routine that all local authorities must perform by April East — This year , in some places , an accumulation of past extravagance , poor accounting an uncertainty about the lawfulness of various bits of figure-shuffling has transformed it into drama .
13 The Health Authority has had it in mind for many years to consolidate the main hospitals on to one or two principal sites and to rationalise the use of the specialised sites .
14 I do n't know if it , whether he has got it at home
15 Critics say that Televisa 's near-monopoly of television has enabled it to blacklist artists who deal with its rivals .
16 As well as starring and directing , he has adapted the play for the screen , though that is n't to say , quite , that he has translated it into film language .
17 Mr Rifkind believes it would be foolish to split BR by region when the present management has split it by business ; besides , the government would have to subsidise all the privatised regions , since none of them makes money .
18 Even if it is assumed that actual bodily harm has been inflicted in these circumstances , the defendant has inflicted it during intercourse but has not inflicted it in order to have or continue having sexual intercourse .
19 He got three months ’ jail but has served it on remand .
20 Hilton sums up the whole process as he has defined it in Book One through the two images of sin and Christ with a quotation from Galatians 4:19 : Scale 1 , then , maps the whole area of the contemplative life and shows it may be accessed through inner participation in the truth revealed at the Incarnation : Most of the book , however , is occupied with the effort to clarify the process by which the reformation to the likeness of Jesus in his manhood may be begun , the experience of this likeness in the reformed " " of the soul and how it leads to contemplation of the Godhead is not explored in any fullness although it is present as a stated goal .
21 When the coup in Yugoslavia in spring 1941 interfered with Hitler 's plans for an attack on the Soviet Union ( Britain 's last potential Continental ally ) and a deterioration in mood set in owing to the threatening extension of the war to the Balkans , SD soundings of opinion again registered ‘ with what childlike trust the most ordinary people in particular look up to the Führer and our leadership of state ’ , convinced that ‘ the Führer has taken it into account and will deal properly with it ’ . ’
22 Although we have a joint account , he is the one who has taken it into overdraft and I do n't see why I should do as he suggests .
23 He has taken it in response to the pressure and fight put up by the ‘ homelands Chief Ministers ’ — Buthelezi and Co .
24 The changes are associated with a £2.4m overdraft Young has agreed with its banks to meet a financial crisis which has put it in breach of the covenants on £5.4m worth of convertible preference shares issued four months ago .
25 The brewing plant there was modernized during the early 1970s and subsequent investment has kept it in line with current technology .
26 He hammers home the message that the US international role has destroyed it at home : ‘ The battle is right here , and it 's not incoming missiles , it 's incoming inequality . ’
27 If the accused gets a video on credit intending to sell it , he has obtained it by deception and he has assumed one of the rights of the owner within the definition of appropriation .
28 I 'd seen the play — some touring company did it — they 'd made it into SF , all in space , and Oedipus was a two-headed Zaphod Beeblebrox character trying to kiss his mother with one of his faces and weep sorrowful tears with the other .
29 Oh , it was terrible , I 'd seen it on video , it 's really sad .
30 In Ireland last week , we were accused of writing a ‘ dirty ’ book for vulgar gain ( would it have been any better if we 'd done it for charity ? ) and worse , of racism .
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