Example sentences of "have [vb pp] the [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 For most of Day Two , the sun seemed to shine on Worcestershire , but the game has turned the other way since tea .
2 A recent study has documented the many ways in which Conservative spokesmen have tried to manage the media and been conscious of the image of the government and Mrs Thatcher .
3 However , official teaching has gone the other way , becoming increasingly restrictive in its emphasis on the grounds that the sharing of communion is acceptable only as an expression , and not as a cause of unity .
4 The Newmarket man says : ‘ His father was a late developer and Bonny Scot has pro-gressed the same way . ’
5 Trevor of Bridgend was 59 last birthday and has learned the hard way that insurance gets harder to acquire the older one gets .
6 When researchers want to understand what it is like to be , say , a Moonie , they can submit themselves to the sorts of conditions that a Moonie experiences — so far as these are social ; but the real Moonie can , quite legitimately , protest that if the researcher does not have a personal experience of God or actually know in their heart that it is the Unification Church which has discovered the best way to live , they can not really understand what it is like to be a Moonie .
7 With the first of the ovens he 'd gone the long way through to the Hall 's kitchens , taking in the sights as he went .
8 And why she 'd reacted the same way yesterday evening when Jake had started questioning her about her private life .
9 Any other bird would have flown the other way .
10 It could have turned the other way ; in case you might think this was a simple transaction — it was not .
11 And so with the help of these , they just managed to do a bit of slate , but if them had not gone back , I thinks this this strike would have turned the other way .
12 For a second she thought they must have turned the other way , and then she saw them again , riding through the trees , the sunlight striking them before they moved off into the shadows .
13 Surely any woman would have reacted the same way on discovering a supposed admirer was in reality only after her possessions ?
14 It would have run the other way if it had heard me coming .
15 The decision would probably have gone the other way had 100,000 men not already been back at work , mainly in the more prosperous East and West Midland areas .
16 ‘ No , I came to the conclusion that he must have gone the other way , along the track leading to the road . ’
17 They won it clearly after Spence and McCloskey were out-pointed on decisions that could easily have gone the other way .
18 Probably should have gone the other way into town but
19 Unless today 's firms learn to manage for profit , not just for the revenue generated by the next deal , it is a fair bet that in fewer years than that many of them will have gone the same way .
20 I fear it may have gone the same way as Honest John 's other great idea , the hard ecu .
21 The desert was an unforgiving place , but their training had equipped them to cope , when at any time they could have taken the easy way out and walked down to the coast road to surrender .
22 Hamnett took the towpath ; insofar as he 'd considered it at all , the old fellow thought he must have returned the other way . ’
23 His uncertainty is comprehensible , but he appears to have jumped the wrong way .
24 The new theorists seem to have gone the same way because of ideological conservatism , or fatalism about what is possible .
25 I mean , twenty years ago when the volume of work was n't so high as it now , then erm every police officer was doing that , but because time has marched on and problems have become more an more , erm we we tend to have left the traditional way of policing behind .
26 With hindsight it would have saved a lot of heartbreak if he had looked the other way .
27 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
28 A man at the back of the crowd said , ‘ I was sitting in the dome car lounge when Xanthe came through , and I can tell you that no one had come the other way .
29 She had come the other way to the school , and was parked by the road , now , increasingly fretful that the two boys were nowhere to be seen .
30 It was a knife 's edge of a mood , and by the merest fraction it had tipped the wrong way .
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