Example sentences of "have [vb pp] at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The importance of these statutory provisions appears to me to be that Parliament has considered at various times and in various contexts the need for recovery of imposts paid but not due and has legislated in a manner which suggests that no such general principle as the Woolwich contends for was thought to be in existence .
2 They have two natural gaits the gentle , lolloping , forward movement of the warren on a summer evening and the lightning dash for cover that every human has seen at some time or other .
3 Because star formation and hence the formation of neutron stars by supernova collapse in NGC6342 ceased long ago , the apparent youth of the pulsar suggests that a major event has occurred at some time during the last 10Myr .
4 Thus the problem of splitting a program between two storage media , one fast but small and the other large but slow , has reappeared at different times and at different storage levels .
5 In the last chapter we looked at how the social institution of marriage has changed at different times in history .
6 It was such an idea of modularity that Minsky intended in the quoted passage above , and he has suggested at various times that an organism would be more efficient , in terms of its ability to survive , if it had , as a separate module , a model of itself , which might of course be totally false as to the facts of the self 's reality : alcoholics who believe themselves to be merely social drinkers probably survive less well than those who believe themselves to be alcoholics .
7 She 'd thought at one time that it might be serious , be love or something weird like that , she 'd even thought they could get married .
8 I can stand in front of the screen , I can look at the simulations , I can stop them whenever I want to stop them and look at them , it gives me ideas about how the buildings might have looked at that time and it gives me a whole range of variations as to as to what can be done in terms of their reconstructions .
9 It must have looked at one time as though I 'd follow the family tradition and end up permanently on a farm .
10 My first reaction to the resignations was that they were tantamount to an admission of guilt when , in fact , the Argentinians could have attacked at any time in the previous fifteen years .
11 Proposals to replace our dry sow accommodation could not have come at worse time , with pig prices falling through the floor , and I suppose some would say that we are reacting plenty soon enough .
12 ... But no , for he had said her heart was badly damaged , death might have come at any time .
13 If the beneficiary dies after the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , then of course for CTT purposes any determination or disposal of interest which has taken place since 25/3/74 has constituted a transfer of value and in addition if he is entitled at his death to a beneficial interest in possession in any property remaining in settlement that property falls to be included in the aggregate of the estate immediately before his death , a transfer of value of which he is treated as having made at that time .
14 He regretted that his proposal for a peace conference a year ago had not been acted upon , as he was confident the Soviet Union would have participated at that time with beneficial effects for the whole world .
15 I would have sworn at that time that I loved her as much as she did me , more even , but subsequent events proved me wrong .
16 They could have left at any time .
17 ‘ It appears it could have happened at any time , even running for a bus , ’ said headmaster Harrison Huddart , at Hewart Grange School , Gateshead , Tyne and Wear .
18 The horse 's trainer Robin Dickin said : ‘ It could have happened at any time , on the racecourse or at home .
19 ‘ The doctor said it could have happened at any time .
20 The frosted glass panel with my name on it had been cracked , but that could have happened at any time .
21 I have explained everything to her , told her it could have happened at any time .
22 Most woods have a multitude of banks , ditches and enclosures relating to their former management , which can be shown to have developed at different times .
23 Their financial status seems to have varied at different times in her life from the reasonably comfortable to the distinctly shabby genteel .
24 In sum , then , one can say little more on the basis of the scanty information available than that Molla Yegan appears to have abandoned his official posts by at least 844/1440–1 ; to have returned from his journey to the Hijaz , in company with Molla Gurani , whom he presented at the Ottoman court , not earlier than alter the pilgrimage of 844/1441 but very possibly not much later ; if not to have continued to be a figure of some importance in the state until at least 857/1453 , to have re-emerged as such then , though without , apparently , holding any official post ; and to have died at some time alter that date , perhaps in 878/1473–4 .
25 One that everybody seems to have played at some time is Tetris .
26 The eastern Saxons are almost certain to have remained at this time within the orbit of Oswiu and it may also be the case that Aethelwald , the brother of Aethelhere ( HE 111 , 22 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , received Oswiu 's support as the new king of the eastern Angles ; it is certainly not at all impossible that he ruled at first in a dependent relationship .
27 They were also rooted in the past and in the nature of things — in the past , through the gifts of land , relics , and rights which they had received at various times ; in the nature of things through the physical separation of the British Isles from the rest of the world as an alter orbis .
28 In one corner of the tower lay the bell which had fallen at some time in the past .
29 we done all that erm Wa , Walkman all that sort of thing we 've done at one time or other .
30 He did n't come quite under the heading of despised male sex but she was sure he had done at one time .
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