Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [to-vb] the same " in BNC.

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1 and nineteen fifty so you would 've expected to see the same sort of increase .
2 Besides City work , Norman Broadbent has continued to attract the same high-powered assignments which came its way when it was with Russell Reynolds : 40% of its assignments were at CEO and MD level in 1987 , compared with 24% in 1986 .
3 The Darlington 's figures are the latest from a Northern building society which show that the slump in the housing market suffered in other regions has failed to have the same feared effect in the North-East .
4 But Father John McCullagh has managed to convey the same sentiment in a very different way .
5 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They felt that if I wanted to be on the course , I 'd got to manage the same as everyone else .
6 He had read that , at the exclusive Beefsteak Club in London , every steward was addressed as George , and the colonel had decided to adopt the same rule to save people from remembering unnecessary names when stewards were changed .
7 I suppose you get days when you feel you get up and you 've got to do the same old things — you get bored , you 're stuck in the same routine .
8 You 've got to give the same numbers
9 Organic chemists had been troubled and had had to overcome the same semantic problems a century earlier ( see Chapter 2 ) .
10 They won by applying themselves to the job in hand and , if they had continued to do the same in the Tests , it might have been an interesting summer .
11 The CNAA , he and others believed , had made great progress in improving the standards of business studies , and had begun to do the same for management studies , but ‘ the job of improving management studies has hardly begun .
12 The fact that three of these families had been moderately wealthy in Palestine and had managed to acquire the same social status in their exile — that they behaved and looked like millions of middle-class couples in Europe , or indeed in Israel — only compounded my error .
13 The specific protests against soil conservation policies and other related issues ( such as the taking away of land for settlers , plantations or the removal of forests ) have tended to follow the same pattern — of violent , politically primitive , and usually short-lived protest involving marches on towns or centres of perceived political power of their oppressors and occasional guerrilla warfare ( e.g. the Mau Mau movement in Kenya , although the issues involved were much wider than soil conservation ) .
14 These two men , and many between , have had to make the same type of decisions about the positions of their steel works .
15 ‘ But understand , from my side , that I 'd like to see her once a fortnight , if it 's just for an hour , and that whatever holidays the other bairns have , she 's got to have the same .
16 I 've really had to work hard to get where I got to and when I fight a black guy , I know that he 's had to do the same thing , I think : ‘ Well , he 's had it as hard as me ’ and little zest goes out of your punching , I just want to beat him on points .
17 You have attempted to map the same LIFESPAN user onto more than one relational database user .
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