Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [det] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The stick-and-carrot approach to ‘ race relations ’ has done little to shift the moral economy of the street gang , or that of the rank-and-file police .
2 Surprisingly , no mention of the role of the key worker is made in the studies , and the conclusion must be drawn that this arrangement is either not very common or , if it is used , has done little to resolve the problems for which it was intended , many of which are listed above .
3 Despite the fact that Titmuss ( 1958 ) was one of the first commentators to appreciate the significance of tax expenditure , the United Kingdom has done little to tackle the problem .
4 If capitalist industrialisation has done little to improve the position of women , is there any evidence to suggest that they have fared better with alternative paths of development ?
5 The passing of the years has done little to improve the situation .
6 The dominance of right-wing ideas has done little to avert the decline ; to invoke Marxism against Thatcherism is to employ an obsolete weapon .
7 ‘ Sport For All ’ has done little to overcome the inequalities present at the start of the campaign ’ , conclude the report 's authors .
8 The British tendency to choose to limit the size of families over the past 20 years , and the need to move around the country in search of better job prospects , has done little to increase the sense of community and neighbourliness which once absorbed so much of the responsibility for mutual support and so-called ‘ informal ’ care in the post-war years .
9 Their provision has , in any case , varied considerably between different parts of the country , and , because of the precise way in which it has been implemented , the Act has done little to increase the opportunities for rural recreation among the more deprived sections of the urban population .
10 Most tropical forest aid has gone to industrial forestry and has done little to aid the poor or protect the environment .
11 The Salvadorean government has done little to aid the displaced , choosing instead to see them as potential subversives who must be carefully watched .
12 The Bank of England ( 1990 ) argues that the venture capital industry has done little to reduce the funding gap and indeed that it may be getting larger .
13 ‘ Last night 's storm has done little to clear the atmosphere , ’ Mr Carson said .
14 I also pay tribute to Alison Hillhouse , of ASH in Scotland , who has done much to highlight the dangers of smoking .
15 Steve 's work has done much to erase the stigma of kite flying as a childish diversion .
16 The sale of council houses has taken place against the background of an allocation policy that has done much to lay the basis of the emergence of ghettos .
17 The tobacco industry has done much to sidestep the Secretary of State 's restrictions by moving more into other marketing areas , such as sampling , road shows , travel films , clothing , and sponsorship — from Glyndebourne to rock , from angling to snooker .
18 ‘ The Government has done much to improve the ambulance service in recent years in striving to achieve the medical term the ‘ golden hour ’ for getting casualties to hospital .
19 Serbia has never had any legitimate claim to it , and the assault has done much to weaken the Serbian case in the eyes of the civilised world .
20 ‘ This has done much to put the vitality back in the Boat Race tradition , ’ said the somewhat surly victor , the Oxford president Jo Michels .
21 By its attitude the ‘ National Government ’ has done much to advance the cause of Fascism
22 Postwar migration policy , for example , brought large numbers of Greeks and Italians to Australia and their presence has done much to encourage the widespread adoption of putatively low risk Mediterranean diets .
23 The C.C.P.R. has done much to help the Society and other Organisations establish themselves , and Festival Producer Olive Newson is well known to us for her encouragement and help .
24 My hon. Friend has done much to boost the employment opportunities in York by championing the railways , tourism and other industries from which the city draws its economic well-being .
25 A geneticist who has done much to articulate the above view is Karlsson , whose observations about the high frequency of psychosis among the outstandingly creative we have already noted .
26 But if , as seems likely , the Chancellor 's commitment to take more than £6 billion out of the economy in 1994-5 and £10 billion in 1995-6 has done enough to reassure the foreign-exchange markets , the risk of a big misjudgment of market sentiment will diminish over the next few days .
27 Mr Lamont also used the news as an opportunity to rule out once again any more cuts in interest rates in the immediate future , saying the signs of spontaneous recovery confirm his judgement that he has done enough to bring the recession to an end .
28 Dr. Elliott has devoted something like 35 years to Carver 's cause , and has enabled many to appreciate the composer 's quality and beauty of thought , but in the case of this particular work I have to say I find the results a little drab , making a somewhat downbeat conclusion to this invaluable series .
29 The failure of motility observations adequately to explain symptoms has led many to consider the sensory or afferent connections between the gut and the brain .
30 Instead , he came back with such surprising ferocity of his own that by the bell at least one judge thought he 'd done enough to win the round .
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