Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [coord] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 PR 's sole concern is with the relationship between the number of votes each party has received and the number of seats it has been awarded .
2 The number of responses is in itself a clear indication of the interest the Green Paper has aroused and the importance of the issues it has raised .
3 This perspective puts mathematics educators in a very comfortable position , until we recognise that it is not uncontentious and , in any case , is rarely made explicit to children , which would involve them in a detailed consideration of how mathematics has developed and the relations between abstract mathematics and reality .
4 Nearly 50 years later the language has altered but the substance looks strikingly familiar .
5 Cook gently , uncovered , stirring from time to time , for about half an hour , until most of the moisture has evaporated and the tomatoes are in a pulp .
6 Now the oil price has fallen and the business has collapsed .
7 This shows that the number of farms has fallen by 14% ; the number in the smaller size bracket generally ( under 30 hectares ) has fallen and the number in the larger size brackets risen .
8 Walking the river in the close season , when the bankside and aquatic vegetation has blossomed and the water is running clear and low , is the best time for actually spotting the chub as they go about their daily business .
9 Two examples illustrate some of the dilemmas the strategy has exposed and the policies initiated to deal with them .
10 Since then the luxury car market has collapsed and the speculators want out .
11 Former Chief Justice Bhagwati summed up the situation succinctly : ’ The multinational has won and the people of India have lost . ’
12 In recent years , Botswana 's manufacturing industry has grown and the country produces soap , dairy produce , hides and bonemeal .
13 We have used resorative proctocolectomy for nine years , initially with a modest annual operation rate but as confidence has grown and the indications for the operation seemed to have expanded , so the frequency of operation has increased ( 1984 , 4 ; 1985 , 9 ; 1986 , 16 ; 1987 , 21 ; 1988 , 24 ; 1989 , 22 ; 1990 , 24 ; 1991 , 30 ; so far in 1992 , 18 ) .
14 The crowds are the biggest the bookshop has seen and the book is selling faster than any the publisher has known .
15 Since then , things have got better and better — the amount of demos has risen and the quality increased enormously .
16 ‘ Perhaps Martin Edwards will admit that he has made a mistake selling to the person he has done and the way in which he has sold it .
17 The old Assembly plant has closed and the South Works too .
18 The local pit has closed and the miners have been replaced by serious athletes who wear regulation running gear and train thoroughly , sometimes all year round .
19 Once the milk has clotted and the cheese-maker is satisfied that it has set firmly enough , the curd is cut by hand , using large metal paddles .
20 Over the last century , the number of taxes has mushroomed and the system is now so complex that few understand it fully .
21 Ever since 1965 , when the incoming Labour government transformed direct taxation in a single budget , the pace of change has quickened and the complexity deepens as each year goes by .
22 Possible child abuse has occurred but the circumstances are open to many interpretations .
23 What is unique about humans is the rate at which this has occurred and the consequences for other species .
24 But it also has relevance to the pro-active marketing of credit and , to my mind , nicely illustrates the crossroads the industry has reached and the opportunities that lie beyond it .
25 A petition can not be heard until at least fourteen days have elapsed since the petition was served on the debtor and the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement ( r 6.18(1) ) unless it appears that the debtor has absconded or the court thinks it a proper case for an expedited hearing , or the debtor consents ( r 6.18(2) ) .
26 The church is constructed of thin bricks with wide mortar joints ; its atrium has disappeared but the narthex remains .
27 Though the title ‘ Feast Sing ’ is still printed on the programme , the feast has disappeared and the sing has become attached to the Holmfirth Musical Festival .
28 Sexual intercourse can be resumed once all tenderness has disappeared and the desire for intercourse has returned , although the slacker state of the vagina may reduce its satisfactions to some extent .
29 Now Autumn has arrived and the evenings closing in , it is important that extra vigilance be exercised , especially in the absence of our Village Manager/Warden .
30 Also the cutlery has warped and the cereal bowls have cracked and the lining paper has started its inexorable roll down the walls and the Hoovermatic has gone symptomatic and the Teflon 's gone AWOL from the frying pan and the tumble dryer 's lost its rubber .
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