Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pers pn] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since then , Dr Richardson has met him on many occasions , and he conveyed the university 's invitation to the Dalai Lama .
2 Despite bad publicity surrounding child abuse allegations which has dogged him on previous stops in Thailand , Singapore and Taiwan , Jackson 's Japanese fans made clear that , for them , their idol could do no wrong .
3 Mozart has shown us on many occasions in his scores how delightful a melodic phrase can sound when given to bassoon and flute at two octaves distance .
4 Board masters are guests with years of experience of Scourie fishings , and my favourite is a wonderful gentleman called Stanley Tuer ; a man of advancing years , but fleet of foot , who has exhausted me on many a long hill walk .
5 When that time comes , I 'm sure that you will return home to make your future , satisfied that you have quenched the thirst that has driven you on this journey , and be ready to take up your permanent place in the world .
6 Er but she 's a member and we went there for lunch and it was the ideal place , you know , cos there were n't any , many people around and so we had quite a nice lunch and erm whilst we were there we then had a drink in er in the bar and erm her the , the secretary of the club , a lady , came to talk to Barbara and she mentioned that she 'd seen her on Blind Date you see , and so I got to know more by listening to them two speaking er and er that 's where I learnt about er that .
7 As I put on a plaster in here an hour ago , I wondered if I 'd left it on that shelf above the sink .
8 Well yeah but , cos I mean I 'd left it on all night before .
9 I should never have done it on that day . ’
10 If any BW officer had reservations about the project they could have phoned me on 10th or 11th June , particularly as everyone knew the work was scheduled to start on the 12th .
11 She must have seen it on some of the murdered woman 's belongings when you first entered the priory but she probably could not place it immediately .
12 It was just basically , one of those things , and Abbey paid out , because they said we would have done it , we would have accepted him on this anyway .
13 ‘ Might she not have had it on crooked ? ’
14 And the vigorous , life-enhancing breakers that plunged inland , that might have deposited her on soft , rich , regenerative soil , were involved in a never-consummated effort , frustrated by the moon .
15 When this year 's competition in Nottingham is completed , Great Britain , like Japan , will have hosted it on 3 occasions .
16 with , he 'd have put them on one side and said
17 And we had put it on fire and it had died down , you could have put it on two or three shovels , when we were leaving the place do you see , and it was all quiet and all all right now , and off we went home .
18 It would seem highly unlikely , except at the times when falling piece rates forced them to , that domestic workers averaged such hours through the week , although they must have worked them on some days , if only to make up for slacker work early in the week .
19 Over the two matches we were every bit as good as Liverpool and , if we 're honest , we know we should have beaten them on both occasions .
20 and you need more so really you needed to have done it on this line .
21 She shook her head in exasperation , remembering his deception and total lack of sympathy , the way he had treated her on that first night , that following morning .
22 finally , when both my parents were away somewhere , I took the opportunity to draw out of the Post Office bank all the very modest amount of money that people had given me on special occasions like my christening .
23 He had to try three of the numbers which the Substitute had given him on identical slips of paper , each of which had ‘ after eight-thirty ’ written in small , neat writing across the bottom .
24 But she had earned them on sheer merit .
25 He was a good-looking man in his late thirties , and Fran had met him on several occasions but had never liked him , finding something faintly repugnant about the way he stood on the outside of life looking in , searching for anything unsavoury .
26 You remember , I 've met you on various
27 but that was on tens , I 've done it on tens
28 None of the bargeowners could afford to waste electricity , and the display was really intended for much later at night , but he had turned it on early to surprise and please them .
29 The guard smiled , ‘ It 's Charlotte and the boy , we 've seen her on many occasions .
30 But , we 've seen them on this side as well !
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