Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 We 'd booked him just as his catchphrases were being quoted by the entire nation , and all because Julie 's mortgage broker knew someone who knew his phone number and he had agreed to appear .
2 Some of the more important include George Blake , who worked for MI6 ( see Chapter 2 ) ; John Cairncross , who betrayed Ultra secrets from the Government Code & Cipher School ( GCCS ) at Bletchley Park during the war to the Russians ; John Vassall , a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty ; Frank Bossard , who gave the Russians details of British and American guided weapons systems ( which must have amused them greatly as the Russians were far ahead of the West at the time ) ; and William Marshall , who had worked as a cipher clerk at the British Embassy in Moscow .
3 The score is mostly in the handwriting of one or more copyists , who seem to have put it together as Purcell completed the various numbers , leaving blanks for what was not ready .
4 A line erased and recut seems to have described him originally as tyrant of Gel a , and the political events reflected in this claim and its cancellation can only belong to the seventies .
5 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
6 yes I 've heard it before as well he said he wants some pork and potatoes
7 And he had done it tactfully as well , just mentioning to one or two people who had Dierdriu 's ear that Grainne and Fergus were sometimes seen together in rather questionable circumstances .
8 He felt he had done it absolutely as best he could and there was no way he could repeat the emotion .
9 ‘ If you must know , ’ Leith exploded , her anger turning to fury at the way he , with his ‘ two men at least ’ comment , had made it sound as though she were some tart , ‘ I had a bad experience in the last place I worked . ’
10 Thus lawyer C tended not to translate his clients ' chosen outcomes , whereas lawyer B had transformed them so as to facilitate translation .
11 She had told him once as they lay at peace in bed that the sleep after childbirth , an unconsciousness that might only last a split second , was the most complete sleep she had ever known and when you woke from it you felt you had been elsewhere for a hundred years .
12 He had watched them silently as they lowered the little bush into the prepared hole , with considerable argument as to how the roots should be spread .
13 ‘ You 've hurt him enough as it is ; ca n't you see the state of his face ? ’
14 Luke had brought her home as he had intended .
15 They had touched hers briefly as he had helped her belt herself in .
16 I 've kept it just as it was and it 's surprising how many people come to see it .
17 This had pleased him mightily as his admiration for Lady Porter was nearly as great as that for Margaret Thatcher , and , in consequence , his attitude to Grunte had warmed .
18 They 've changed it again as well , now , now instead of the er , the white ball being placed anywhere in the anywhere behind the black line at the top .
19 When problems have arisen such as in the urban riots they have explained them away as resulting from a lack of proper parental and school discipline ( blaming the victim again ) or as the work of political agitators .
20 Consider for example : ( 10 ) Haberup made his golem angry If Haberup is the person who originally assembles the golem , he may , through design or carelessness , have produced it so as to start its " life " in an unpleasant frame of mind ; sentence ( 10 ) will describe this situation on condition that the adjective is taken as a predicate qualifier , and in this case ( 10 ) does have a matching question with how ?
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