Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like the Founder 's Day Service , this too has developed into an impressive annual event .
2 But the personalities of the fossil hunters involved have ensured that this protective move by the Ethiopians has developed into an acrimonious tussle .
3 The TQM strategy has developed from an earlier corporate planning exercise carried out in 1986 and more recently from a comprehensive survey conducted by an external quality consultant with support from the SDA .
4 Laura Levine has pointed to an interesting relationship in early modern England between fears of sodomy and fears of the theatre .
5 Their cash has fallen from an average £4.20 a week last year to £4 , a survey reveals today .
6 In the past three months output has fallen by an annualised 10.8% from its level during the three previous months .
7 The wound I made in you has healed in an ugly way .
8 But as anyone who has sat on an equal opportunities working party will tell you , it is one thing to formulate policies and quite another to implement them .
9 All this has come as an unpleasant surprise to Hong Kong 's officials .
10 The author has come to an overall conclusion that , perhaps , clients and dealers are very much the same sort of people .
11 The inference that he did so by selling is supported by the incidental evidence of miracle-stories : one from St-Benoît-sur-Loire , for instance , recorded in the 870s , tells of two " comrades " ( compares ) at the monastery 's weekly market , who quarrelled over the 12d. they had made on their joint transactions ; another story of similar date from St-Hubert in the Ardennes has a peasant ( rusticus ) stating quite explicitly that he has come to an annual fair " to acquire the wherewithal to pay what I owe to my lord " .
12 ‘ This validation from the Prime Minister has come at an important time for the industry as it strives to get up off its knees , ’ said Keith Banbury , Chief Executive .
13 The observation of the Great Wall has come from an ambitious project to map the positions of all visible galaxies which are brighter than a specified minimum .
14 The Museum is a registered Charity with no public funding and Mick Miller , Finance Trustee , said : ‘ This sponsorship is a very generous gesture and we are delighted that this has come from an enterprising local company which has pledged support for our activities for the next three years . ’
15 After closing for a year to refurbish its exhibition rooms the Diozesanmuseum has reopened with an exceptional exhibition of rare manuscripts from the Biblioteca Apostolica in the Vatican , ‘ Vaticana — liturgy and devotion in Medieval times ’ .
16 Although the king in The Magician who lost his Magic is not named in the story , he seems to be King Rollo , a character who has featured in an animated television series based on a series of David McKee 's books .
17 She has grown into an elegant and gracious woman , but lost none of the spark that made her such an endearing young bride .
18 The economic theory of job search has grown into an important aspect of labour economics in recent years .
19 If the first two years of the Thatcher Government are excluded — when the Government managed to achieve a negative rate of growth — the British economy has grown at an average rate of 3 per cent .
20 Lynda Warren , author of the report , said : " This industry has grown at an alarming rate , in a complete policy vacuum .
21 As Professor Moule has written in an unpublished paper , ‘ to generalise the Holy Spirit and use the term to denote God 's activity anywhere and everywhere , is to miss the biblical theme of election for service , and to ignore God 's strange way of particularising in order to universalise . ’
22 M4 , the best measure we have , has risen at an annual rate of around 18 per cent , and even this year it has continued to rise at that rate .
23 Are employment figures alone sufficient to infer that the economy has shifted from a goods to a service economy , that the economy has moved from an industrial stage to a post-industrial stage .
24 Even by the normal ballooning standards of construction projects , this one 's original budget has turned into an amazing work of fiction .
25 Over this period the stock of such investments has expanded at an average annual compound rate of just under 19% .
26 The area of surgery has expanded at an incredible speed from virtually from nothing three years ago to taking over as much as fifty percent or even seventy five percent of general surgery .
27 UNTIL now Belfast City Airport has expanded in an orderly , and leaving aside car parking space , reasonably well planned manner .
28 It should not be forgotten that the Modular Course has expanded in an expanding Polytechnic .
29 Schüssler Fiorenza has shown in an impressive way in In Memory of Her that women 's contribution to the life of the church was not so marginal as has often been assumed .
30 The NBS was good idea when first introduced , but gradually it has had less an less interest shown in it .
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