Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 Recent research has attempted to show what the European public think about biotechnology , to identify correlations with resistance to other forms of technology , an d to attempt to quantify the support .
2 Most people in the circumstances would have refused to believe what the evidence told them .
3 She would have loved to know what the erring Frau Gesner had done , but he had suddenly looked so stern , so sad , that she had n't the nerve to ask .
4 You 've got to know what the time
5 You have n't got one y know , quite cheap just mats that they they ah I 've got forgotten what the word is for it they make the mouse improves the performance of the mouse see
6 You 've got to feel what the tyres and chassis are doing all the time .
7 It 's the members of the police committee at the end of the day that 've had endorsed what the chief constable had done , and it 's their councils that are gon na suffer .
8 Now if the child can not interpret and relate the symbols to the animal , then he 's left wondering what the symbols mean , he ca n't relate the symbols to understanding that a cow is spelt verbally as C O W , and he 's left quite mystified , and he does n't know what we 're talking about .
9 Some couples who have failed to hear what the other has been saying over a number of years may need the help of a third person , probably a trained counsellor , to get them talking again .
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