Example sentences of "have [been] there for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , Petasites has been there for a very long time .
2 And when the hole has been there for a couple of days , they can dig another if necessary .
3 The social dimension of the Community has been there for a long time .
4 She has been there for the past 10 years .
5 I mean you do get parishes where the parish priest has been there for the last thirty years or something like that .
6 They demanded that everybody get out of their way so they could launch their boat , while people who 'd been there for the best of the tide were already bringing their craft out .
7 It 's their intention to leave the boat station there , but as a boat hiring station only , and to let rent that to somebody , not to have boat building enterprises , not to have a car park , not to have a chandlery and so on which was put there by the person whose who used to own it , and we will recoup all of that money from renting that boat station so it can be run as a boat hiring station again , and from three or four of the moorings that are will have been there for a long time , with proper permission .
8 Sixty-two per cent of those in old people 's homes had been there for a year or more compared with 47 per cent of those in nursing homes , but this difference might have occurred by chance .
9 By the beginning of 1942 rapid expansion had taken place , so that by the end of that year there were some 3,293 staff of all grades , of whom 1,566 were service personnel and 1,727 civilian , and by the time that I had been there for a year there were over 5,000 in all .
10 He told me he had been there for a long time dying .
11 The team , including John Hall from Scottish Nuclear , had been there for a year before I arrived and had done much in identifying the work required .
12 Is she aware that when my hon. Friend the Member for Workington ( Mr. Campbell-Savours ) and I visited Moscow last week and questioned Russian officials about food aid , we found stacked away in a third-floor warehouse what we were told was the whole British contribution of beef to Moscow , which had been there for a month ?
13 He had been there for an hour and a half .
14 Although he did n't know them , he could have sworn they had been there for the past hour .
15 The residents themselves recognised the move for some of the older , frailer people would be more difficult and those who had been there for the least time had agreed to go , he said .
16 I mean these have n't just been put here , they 've been there for a long time !
17 " Signs of a coming plateau have been there for a long time and are now getting better and better " , according to independent consultant Richard Kimberlin .
18 The flesh itself ranges from the blood red of the arriviste joint to the dull browny-purple bloom of those that have been there for the full three weeks .
19 Er although most people think it 's been there for a long time , it has n't .
20 Cos this is quite strong stuff I 'm gon na give you because that 's , once that 's been there for a week or two it 's hard to get it shifted .
21 She 's been there for the last month .
22 Well it 's been there for the past two weeks but now he 's gone to l get a house .
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