Example sentences of "have [been] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not one to do double somersaults — I 'm not that acrobatic — but he 's one of the best in the country and has been for a long time .
2 Which is , of course , roughly where conventional rubbish-collection policy has been for a long time .
3 ‘ No sort of future tense about it , it is and it has been for a long time .
4 The Commonwealth came closer together than it has been for a long time .
5 ‘ No sort of future tense about it , it is and it has been for a long time .
6 Do n't because there is at present , and has been for a good many years past , almost nowhere to publish the stories you may write .
7 And glory in the 1,000 Guineas may well be a lot more than just a warming winter thought because Dead Certain beat as competitive a field as there has been for a juvenile filly 's race for many years .
8 It was a depressing and dispiriting experience , exactly as life itself has been for the young unemployed , day in and day out .
9 About four-fifths of housing constructed in the LDDC has been for the owner-occupied sector .
10 Another important use of statistical grammatical information has been for the grammatical tagging of natural language corpora .
11 It is worth restating how radical a leader Mrs Thatcher has been for the Conservative party .
12 Will the Italian Abbado remain musical director of the Vienna State Opera where he has been for the past three years ?
13 Broadly , we may say that industry will have to be far less rigid ; indeed much more flexible in adapting itself to change than it has been for the past twenty years .
14 This temperature increase may appear to be small , but in reality the earth would then be warmer than it has been for the past 125,000 years ( the peak of the last interglacial ) and possibly even warmer than it has been for the past two million years ( the duration of the Quaternary period of fluctuation glacials and interglacials ) .
15 This temperature increase may appear to be small , but in reality the earth would then be warmer than it has been for the past 125,000 years ( the peak of the last interglacial ) and possibly even warmer than it has been for the past two million years ( the duration of the Quaternary period of fluctuation glacials and interglacials ) .
16 Since you came here he has laughed more and been amused more than he has been for the past two years .
17 I do not know where he has been for the past few years , but we have reduced the rates on lower earnings so that people now pay on average about £3 a week less in national insurance .
18 ‘ Now he 's happier , I think , than he 'd been for a long time .
19 This may have been for a local production company producing a video for one of their corporate clients ; at the other end of the scale , you may have written some pieces for the broadcasters ( BBC , ITV , etc . ) .
20 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
21 Where the reference was automatic ( £1,000 or less only being involved ) Ord 19 , r 6 provides that no solicitors ' charges or litigant in person costs may be awarded except the costs which were stated on the summons or which would have been stated on the summons if the claim had been for a liquidated sum , the costs of enforcing the award , and such further costs as the arbitrator may direct where there has been unreasonable conduct on the part of the opposite party in relation to the proceedings or the claim therein .
22 Mick was less fortunate , and when I awoke in the depressing gloom of dawn , he reported that the weather was very much better than it had been for a long time .
23 Morale on the shop floor was higher than it had been for a long year and an unhealthy atmosphere of optimism and hope pervaded the plant .
24 She left a little while later , happier than she had been for a long time .
25 The original plan had been for a rapid take-over of military and political control in Madrid , accompanied by risings in the other main cities and the convergence on the capital of detachments from the provinces to consolidate the coup and force the transfer of power .
26 These maxims , many of them reflecting nothing more than common sense , and taken from the recorded experience of the past , were to be found mainly in two works : the Facta et dicta memorabilia of Valerius Maximus , written in the first century AD , and the Stratagemata of Frontinus , composed in the same century by a man who had been for a short while Roman governor of Britain .
27 Another knight , perhaps emboldened by his companion 's hints , argued that the removal of the wool staple from Calais , where it had helped to pay part of the cost of defending the town , had been for the private profit of Lord Latimer , Richard Lyons and others .
28 It is unlikely that anti-Semitism was as powerful in its motivational force for recruits in the Party 's ‘ mass phase ’ after 1929–30 as it had been for the early activist core of the NSDAP .
29 Every night was a milestone , and had been for the past fifteen years .
30 It was how it had been for the past two weeks and the young woman tried to ignore her protesting muscles and her aching back as she stared into the hearth and watched the tiny flames flickering in and out of the carefully banked-up grate .
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