Example sentences of "have [been] the [adj] one " in BNC.

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1 The former approach has been the classical one , dating from the early statistical models of rubber elasticity based on random walk theory ; the latter has been followed by the rheologists , those who study solution properties and in recent years developed in new directions by de Gennes and Edwards and their collaborators .
2 The idea of the 1930s as an interruption in the development of latent democratic tendencies , has been the dominant one , and seen in this light , US reforms were based on the need to destroy the weeds that had stunted democratic growth , and provide liberal doses of fertilizer .
3 The only inquiry has been the American one and that was handicapped because the British er er partners of er Price Waterhouse did n't pass on to either that inquiry or to the American partners of Price Waterhouse , the information they had about what had gone wrong with B C C I so that inquiry itself was inadequate but it is the only one and what that found er was appalling er indeed they were pretty critical about British audit regulation , about the auditors performance .
4 ‘ It must have been the other one !
5 It must have been the other one . ’
6 And Robert Donat can not have been the only one who complained to Korda about a ‘ silly and unproductive attitude towards scripts ’ , which he credited as being at ‘ the root of the failure of so many British films . ’
7 The watering hole must also have been the only one in the area for all sides produced finds , and finds of a reasonable age .
8 Moreover , the Winchester crown need not have been the only one that Cnut gave away , as Christ Church Canterbury seems also to have received one .
9 In the end it must have been the right one because I was the best of all and I you know until five minutes before everything finished I just could n't make up my mind
10 It must have been the last one left in London .
11 Matchsticks would have been the last one at the Pessarane Behesht camp he would have chosen to accompany him on this mission .
12 When Niki said the Paris decision had been the right one , one knows two things about Niki that explain his position : first that any Ferrari driver has to speak through both sides of his mouth , and second , that even were that not so , there is nothing Niki likes as much as winding someone else up .
13 If the first of the two roads had been the right one to take , that would be an end of the matter .
14 Gorbachev had no doubt that the socialist choice in October 1917 had been the right one ; nor could Marx be blamed for subsequent developments he had obviously been unable to foresee .
15 It had been a difficult decision , but she was sure it had been the right one .
16 My first assessment had been the right one .
17 The decision , made six months ago , to uproot herself from England and move to the Algarve might not have been easy , but it had been the right one .
18 Newman came to the answer Rome ; the former friends he left behind in the Church of England replied that the early undivided Church had been the only one wholly to contain this supernatural essence .
19 The unfairness of this strikes me , since although we are all from families that vote Labour ( no working-class Catholic would vote Unionist ) Jimmy had been the only one in the class who 'd known that Hugh Gaitskell was the leader of the Opposition in the general knowledge quiz .
20 She had been the only one to choose a piece from Alice in Wonderland .
21 Buckingham did not realise at first that he had been the only one to get over the 23rd fence at the first attempt .
22 Hugo had been the privileged one , his mother an earl 's daughter , his father a baronet and a distinguished soldier , possessor of the Berowne name , inheritor of what remained of the Berowne money .
23 Guilty that she had been the lucky one .
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