Example sentences of "have [been] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Another interesting aspect has been the two bridges which span approximately 24 metres .
2 ‘ Germany , ’ he said , ‘ has been the spiritus agens of the whole development of Middle-Europe — from Hitler to the collapse of the Berlin Wall , which encouraged and prompted our own transformation .
3 An added burden throughout this period has been the additional costs of routing the bulk of Zambian exports and imports through South Africa .
4 Also it has been the larger institutions that have benefited from low dealing commissions since the ‘ big bang ’ in October 1987 .
5 But not four months , which has been the German authorities ' second-thought suggestion , arrived at without the benefit of further evidence — which , indeed , on the general admission of all parties , does not exist .
6 By contrast , what has characterized the concept of social representations has been the intellectual ambitions of its adherents .
7 He has been the national drivers ' champion , the first national driver to exceed a hundred miles an hour with a five hundred C C hydroplane on Lake Windermere , won the B class championships seven times , the C class champion six times , the D class three times and the F class once .
8 The prime mover of contemporary organizational innovation has been the changed conditions of international competition , specifically the decline and fragmentation of previously stable mass markets .
9 Unfortunately , as some might say , the main objective of most of these excavations has been the military sites , and it is only in comparatively recent years that the civil site has gained its just recognition .
10 perhaps a final factor has been the differing styles of the individual consultants , so that the firm appeals to a wider spread of clients .
11 It has been the para-military organisations , notably the IRA , who have murdered and maimed innocent men , women , and children .
12 Another strength of the initiative has been the sophisticated analyses it has been able to produce .
13 Many of the journalists felt they 'd been the innocent victims of a political decision .
14 Although , as we shall see , many varied and lengthy accounts of what may have been the distinguishing characteristics of the fabliaux have been produced , the short definition given by Bédier in 1893 still attracts support : the fabliaux , he declared , are " " contes à rire en vers " " .
15 All through this Cruickshank has carefully sought not to be the outsider caught between what could have been the conflicting demands of minister-in-government and workers and patients in the field , ‘ by brining in the ministers and whoever and getting that shared view .
16 They 'll not have been the first tourists to be fed to the sharks and they wo n't be the last . ’
17 Yet he sensed that those next few minutes , after Ashenden had finished speaking with Kemp , might well have been the crucial ones in that concatenation of events which had finally led to murder ; and he questioned Ashenden further .
18 Yet a further central measure would have been the average numbers of citations in the period since the year of deposit of the thesis .
19 RELIEF and gratitude will have been the principal sensations to move most readers of The Daily Telegraph yesterday .
20 The thought passed through her head that those two women might have been the only ones he had ever loved .
21 It may also have been the political considerations involved which led both the WJEC and the University of Wales to remain silent throughout the argument .
22 The Tropicana experience began for me as soon as I arrived … it may have been the small hours yet the reception staff were still delighted to greet the new arrivals .
23 Surely somewhere in the world there would have been the right facies preserved to provide the immediate ancestors of Peregrinella or Iguanodon ?
24 T his morning , looming through a yellow haze , they might have been the eroded spires of a lost city of cathedrals , buried beneath the omnipresent sand .
25 According to local history , this field at that time would have been the playing fields of Mr Burton 's private school , which eventually became Victoria Park .
26 The problem for the Labour Party , of course , was that playing this propaganda card was always likely to backfire since its natural constituency should have been the very groups it was attacking .
27 It might as well have been the last rites .
28 What is remarkable is that the initiative here was taken by the High Anglican clergy , who should have been the natural allies of the Stuart monarchy , and who had staunchly defended James 's title to the throne during the Exclusion Crisis .
29 That Lions tour party breakdown probably would have been the initial thoughts of the selectors in January .
30 They formed galleries , which seemed so regular they might have been the honeycombed nestings of some breed of super-lice that had reached an advanced accommodation with their host .
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