Example sentences of "have [been] [v-ing] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stark 's confidence appears to have been at a low ebb but the Scotland manager , Duncan Paterson , has been reminding him of his form earlier in the season : at the Dubai Sevens , which the Scots won ; in the A international against Italy in Melrose when the Boroughmuir winger had a hand in both tries ; and in his senior international debut against Ireland at Murrayfield , when he scored one try and was heavily involved in the other from Tony Stanger .
2 Now Becky Blandford , although separated from her husband has been defending him on the daytime television programme , This morning .
3 His Democratic opponent , Doug Wilder , hoping on 7 November to become the first black governor of a US state , has been forcing him to back-pedal since .
4 It was clear that she 'd been taking him for a ride , in that there was no ride in it for him at the end of the process .
5 But he pretended I 'd been bothering him for something , he was clever about it , it seemed real . ’
6 We 'd been feeding him from the hand like , oh .
7 I suppose it came into my room for a few minutes to see a book I 'd been telling him about , then he left and I hit the sack .
8 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
9 And maybe she would n't have been expecting him to ‘ dance attendance ’ on her if she had n't soon discovered that he 'd been spending so much time with his personal assistant !
10 Undertaken sensitively and carefully by an experienced operator in controlled circumstances , regression therapy should be a beneficial and restorative experience for the subject , enabling him to be rid of a serious problem that may have been troubling him for years and indeed possibly ruining his life .
11 A member of the group mentioned that an uncle of his , a retired coal miner , had been telling him about Highlander , and it was suggested that Highlander might be willing to help in some way .
12 He commented on how much nicer towards him the family seemed to be , including Michael , who had been telling him about his own problems at work .
13 The country was beckoning again , and his friend van Rappard had been telling him about Drenthe , a remote moorland region in the north of Holland which was starting to attract artists .
14 In doing so , he had to jettison most of what those close to him had been telling him for the past 16 months .
15 Claudia wanted to laugh out loud — that was what she had been telling him for days , but under the joy she was aware of fear making itself known .
16 At the end of the recording , the woman who had been showering him with questions observed the following : ‘ I have never done such a difficult interview .
17 Worse , Riley had been chiding him for not providing a string of exclusive MacQuillan stories but the ones he had written were being held over until they were out of date or appeared elsewhere .
18 And romance — although ideally , if she had been advising him as a florist , she would have suggested roses instead of the more exotic lilies and orchids he had chosen .
19 Mr Fennell was worried because he thought nobody came to meet you , ’ he said , and she knew by his expression that the ancient tyrant had been upbraiding him on this account .
20 Short had been saving him for the Ascot race .
21 I did n't have another bridesmaid , nor did I have Southall in a cart , which Clare had been training him for , as a surprise for me .
22 The Achilles ' tendon which had been bothering him for weeks finally gave out amid a sympathetic cheer and a great forward ambled to the sideline and out of the match with an hour gone .
23 ‘ Speaking crossly and rudely although Carrie had only been stewing indoors because she had been helping him in the shop !
24 Margaret had been seeing him for nearly a year and Maura had the feeling that they were going to get married .
25 She had been watching him for half an hour staring out at the view , motionless .
26 Latterly they had been feeding him by dropping his fodder from a loft above the stall , and lowering down pails of water on a string .
27 He had been pestering him for a while for stories about the grandparents he had never known .
28 She had been asking him about the little wooden cities which adorned the shelves in her room .
29 I had been walking him around the roads for a couple of weeks and could n't wait to have him fit again .
30 Ludens was by now , in an ordinary sense , more used to being with Marcus , less afraid of ‘ saying the wrong thing ’ , and had resolved today to ask a crude question which had been troubling him for some time .
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