Example sentences of "have [been] [v-ing] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 So far , an answer on that has been lacking from him and other Ministers .
2 Out of sheer perversity , the thinking human seems impelled to say something contrary to whatever received opinion has been yelling at him .
3 For the past year Maureen Timmins has been corresponding with him in San Quentin jail where he 's waiting execution for the murder of his pregnant wife .
4 The Blackrag Madonna , it appears , has been waiting for him .
5 ( a ) Children in need Section 20(1) requires every local authority : to provide accommodation for any child in need within their area who appears to them to require accommodation as a result of : ( a ) there being no person who has parental responsibility for him ; ( b ) his being lost or having been abandoned ; or ( c ) the person who has been caring for him being prevented ( whether or not permanently , and for whatever reason ) from providing him with suitable accommodation or care .
6 It started to get out of proportion in that he , Ray has been talking to him about the impact of the summer season in Scarborough in terms of how long it takes his staff to get from A to B.
7 There 's some worry about something — either he 's not going to be able to do the work , someone 's going to laugh or has been laughing at him , he does n't think the teacher 's going to understand , and it 's generally a terrible problem first thing in the morning to get him to get ready and get to school .
8 Ven queried , as well he might , she realised , for she 'd been chatting to him like a veritable magpie all evening with not so much as a hint of shyness .
9 Look , ’ and she opened her handbag and reached inside , ‘ this was one I 'd been saving for him — ’ Her voice cracked and she began to cry .
10 She 'd been listening to him with dawning realisation , an icy sensation freezing her body inch by inch .
11 He was making her act like a gauche schoolgirl — Aurora Blake , who could hold thousands spellbound with the power of her voice , who could mix happily with kings and commoners — stammering apologetically because a man who had wandered unwanted and uninvited into her garden knew she 'd been looking at him !
12 This might sound , to Albert , as if she 'd been looking for him .
13 ‘ And do you deny that for the two years prior to his death you 'd been living with him in his flat in London ? ’
14 She 'd been living with him in Bristol and they planned to marry .
15 Some items I 'd been holding for him .
16 It would be so easy to give up the battle she 'd been waging against him , simply to lay down her arms and give herself up to the ecstasy of possession .
17 I 'd been loading for him , loading the t coal into tubs and tramming them .
18 I mean , if you 'd been talking to him during the lesson he 'd say , well , if you want to talk about it , leave it till after the lesson .
19 After I 'd been talking to him about leaving .
20 And she 'd been talking to him for about half an hour and well er her son had come up
21 I got this job in the machine sh in one of the lock shops and er for a fellow , I worked for him and er after I 'd been working for him they wanted me to work for somebody else but this fellow would n't let me go .
22 ‘ We 'd been sitting with him in hospital keeping his mind occupied , but when our visiting times changed and he was alone he would lie there and think .
23 After a while she realised she 'd been beating at him with her fists hard enough to hurt and yet he had n't lifted a finger to stop her .
24 Well driving and for erm you know he had plant hire , he 'd been driving for him and that .
25 Rain said : ‘ If Sabine Jourdain planned to reveal how much of Durance 's work she 'd been doing for him , a lot of people would have preferred she did n't . ’
26 She might have been speaking to him backwards in Swahili for all the attention he paid her explanation .
27 Barbara Coleman had said Maurin was responsible for keeping her hidden , and therefore the men who attacked Edouard could have been acting for him .
28 I must have been chatting to him for about 20 minutes and he told me he 'd needed an urgent lift .
29 I had never suspected she had ever loved any man but Simon Ellis and I knew she could not have been referring to him since she had never spoken of him without affection and great kindness .
30 ‘ I know Ron would have been shouting for him .
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