Example sentences of "have [been] [v-ing] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I see you 've been checking up on me . ’
2 Rigney has been training quietly on his own over the past few weeks and believes that he will be back in action in the New Year for Greystones .
3 How is he to measure it against ‘ Look before you leap ’ , ‘ Care for your parents ’ , and such other imperatives as he has been picking up on the way ?
4 Despite the pressure which has been building up on the government in recent months , including growing dissent within her own party , she reiterated her old misgivings about the monetary system and added a new one for good measure .
5 Despite the pressure which has been building up on the government in recent months , including growing dissent within her own party , she reiterated her old misgivings about the monetary system and added a new one for good measure .
6 It has been developing away on a polymer foam that is intended to fill an entire building ‘ from floor to ceiling ’ in a few seconds after an alarm is tripped .
7 Presented by Michaela Strachan , the programme has been homing in on different varieties of animals and conservation projects in countries all around the world .
8 While much of the European attention in the Masters has centred on Nick Faldo , Seve Ballesteros and Jose-Maria Olazabal , who is keeping very much to himself , Bernhard Langer has been going quietly on his way .
9 Menlo Park , California start-up , Wide Area Information Servers Inc , has productised some network publishing software for Unix servers that has been testing up on Internet for the last two years : WAIS Server and Workstation for Unix cost from $10,000 to $50,000. +1 415 617 0444 .
10 His main rival has been tuning up on Burford golf course .
11 Fletcher said : ‘ Our batting department has let us down in both Tests , although everyone has been working hard on their game and how to combat their spinners on turning pitches .
12 Torrance has been working recently on improving his technique on short putts with which he has a problem because of the pendulum action of his broom-handle putter .
13 The Government has been relying heavily on a pick-up in consumer spending to provide the basis for recovery but worries about job security and unemployment have encouraged saving rather than spending .
14 In his absence the 78-year-old retired Black Country solicitor has been standing in on Taylor 's press conferences , trying to determine whether the England manager is still in control after the 2–0 defeat in Boston and earlier World Cup disaster in Norway .
15 TAZ Bey 's theory of the ‘ temporary autonomous zone ’ has been floating around on the margins of Stateside cybertippy culture for a couple of years and has now drifted over here .
16 A glance at the coupon of the new issue and what it has been paying out on the ones being redeemed shows the reason for the moves .
17 This ex-rugger international has , for reasons best known to himself , tired of rambling on about the oval ball game ; as a consequence he has taken to bespattering the media with stories about his allegedly ‘ sexy ’ life and times in terms which strive risibly to emulate the writings of the greatest rock journalist in the world — just like practically everyone else in the media has been muscling in on my territory in recent times .
18 In all the time that he 'd been living out on the Step Pete had seen only one stranger go by , and that was a hiker who 'd stopped to ask the way because he 'd been lost .
19 ‘ We 'd been beavering away on Imaginary for a while but we never got the success we deserved through limited resources .
20 I did n't have a big name in the business as I 'd been concentrating just on working , so I was n't a star and could n't force through any changes .
21 He looked as if he 'd been Lying there on his stomach for quite a while .
22 Only that she must have been holding out on him all these years , that she did have memories which she had covered up or , to give her the benefit of the doubt , conveniently forgotten about .
23 I must have been sitting here on the edge of his bed , first singing and stroking , then just stroking , for half an hour or so .
24 As I followed her up the pathway , every inch of her breathed that she was being a good girl , and as the driver settled her in the front seat beside him she gave him a happy smile ; almost , one felt — seeing the hat-boxes and cases piled up behind them — they might have been starting out on their honeymoon .
25 GEMINI You seem to have been concentrating more on group than individual efforts lately .
26 I put the phone down , wondering how many people had been listening in on the extensions , and went back into my room .
27 And I already had Jackie because Jackie had been speaking earlier on the tapes .
28 At the time I honestly never gave a thought to why Billy Tuckett had been poncing around on the roof in the wee small hours or why he 'd chosen Sunil 's bathroom to fall through .
29 Fortunately , some experience had been building up on the European continent , in Holland in particular , with DMUs which had very reliable and cost-effective engines and transmissions .
30 The authorities claimed that they had been living illegally on land which had been allocated to others , in Khartoum suburbs such as Karmuta where large numbers of mud-brick houses had reportedly now been vacated and then destroyed by bulldozers .
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