Example sentences of "have [been] [adv] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Our most dutiful and saintly brother was himself healed of his lameness by her , and has been ever since her particular squire and servant .
2 To tell him that he has been always in my thoughts .
3 Anything else has been entirely in your imagination . ’
4 Marriage has been much on our minds in the SHE office of late .
5 As the Doctor gives the conventional lore of his day , a blend of ethics and medicine : we see that we are also those ‘ deaf pillows ’ , that the masking and unmasking has been all for our sake .
6 The first time , he 'd been virtually on their tail as he 'd rounded a bend .
7 ‘ You 'd been there for your holidays as a little boy ?
8 In that climate he 'd have been well past his sell-by date . )
9 Its success must have been largely through her efforts if it is true that Frederick was often away from home .
10 In other times she would have been obsessively at her pen or her typewriter ; as it was , she harassed her scribes and possible scribes continually — to death , it would appear in the case of the first one .
11 The Somerset captain would have been quite within his rights to have declined to play after 6.30 in the chance that it might rain hard enough on the third day to prevent any play .
12 ‘ I 'd have thought Brahms and Liszt would have been more to your taste . ’
13 If I had specially ordered the moment , it could n't have been more to my liking .
14 For one thing , the victuallers were never able to secure a majority on the council , and for another , a substantial number of the men in the victualling guilds had other interest — grocers and fishmongers were among the most important wool exporters at this period and one does not know how far individuals actually practised the trade of their own guild — so it may have been less in their interest than has sometimes been thought to keep food prices high ( 84 , pp.251–3 ; 104 , pp.77–80 ; 109 ) .
15 ‘ I suppose I must have been half off my head , without the booze , since Friday when Rosemary finished with me . ’
16 She felt humiliated — and because she 'd been so attracted to you during that first meeting , it was hard for her to realise the attraction must have been all on her side .
17 Indeed , in some of his pronouncements Adler seems to have been ahead of his time .
18 The man behind Shoom — a club that is now so legendary that if all the people who claim to have been there in its formative months really had attended , it would have been held in Wembley Stadium not in a sweaty south-east London basement — he resolutely refused to cash in on the boom that became known as acid .
19 The previous X-ray of my lungs had been just before my operation in March .
20 In so saying , Fortescue had all but admitted that Henry V had been ahead of his time .
21 The first meetings with Ferrier and Neville had been soon after their arrival , via Jill Neville .
22 She had once been a warm Methodist and so too , probably , had been most of her followers .
23 By this time she had been away from her native Russia scarcely a dozen years .
24 In practice , she learnt to ski ; but it was the first time she had been away from her friends and family , the first time she had been on a plane , the first time she had been abroad , and she was desperately unhappy .
25 He had been away from his wife and family for nearly two weeks now .
26 He was tempted to go in and get it over , but he had been away from his temporary headquarters for a long time and he did not even know if the body had bean recovered successfully .
27 The Court , however , ruled on March 19 , 1991 , that the Commission had been within in its powers in invoking Article 90 of the Treaty of Rome , which allowed it to override government objections in such cases [ see p. 36154 ] .
28 The very same women who had been all for their daughters travelling abroad seemed suddenly to get bored with the idea .
29 Perhaps it had been all in her imagination , fuelled by her own desires .
30 He had been so throughout his school life and through college , managing to only just scrape through by handing in work started the night before it was due in .
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