Example sentences of "have [been] [adv] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been right in thinking that he was n't seriously hurt , and they soon had him well again .
2 So the pattern would have been perhaps towards marrying later , or certainly having children later and then perhaps moving out of London .
3 Sara 's best years , Slater continued , had been just after leaving school .
4 In spite of her affected disinterest , Taureg 's return had been well worth watching .
5 Poor Sam had been backwards at coming forwards , she told herself .
6 No one , indeed , could have been more easy-going ; but we never got on close terms or found much in common during the four months we had been together since leaving England .
7 It had been so dry that two days under the warm sun had been enough without letting it stand in stooks or draping it on the hedges .
8 Harry had been all for building a full-blown ship of three hundred tons or more , with four masts , three decks , two castles and ten brass pieces into the bargain , but Sam Gristy had insisted upon a more modest outlay , and a three-masted bark had been agreed upon .
9 When her alarm woke her up the next morning , she felt heavy-eyed and lacking in energy , but that was probably because her sleep had been long in coming and had been plagued with dreams when she had eventually managed to drop off .
10 Then they were in the flat , the first time she had been there since leaving Oliver typing his letter the previous morning .
11 People 's lives were Digital oriented : many had been there since finishing second level school or university … life outside Digital was unthinkable .
12 Done nothing at all in their house , but since we 've been here in doing this and that , every things been changed now in it ?
13 so it 's not two in a row yeah , we went right , er we 've been right round looking at all shops this week and we 've had a right bloody go have n't we Alec ?
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