Example sentences of "have [been] [verb] for more " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Peak Panther ’ has been sighted for more than ten years , with several reports of a big black cat in and around New Mills .
2 Each morning temple drummers beat a tattoo to mark the passing of another stage in a year-long ritual that has been followed for more than a thousand years .
3 He called a meeting of senior Cabinet members and energy ministers in an attempt to get agreement on the proposed white paper on energy , which has been delayed for more than two months .
4 With the disposal of the eight Lilley subsidiaries now completed , Price Waterhouse reported that employment has been secured for more than 70 per cent of the Lilley Group 's 2,800 employees .
5 ( In fact it is Grade II starred because it has been inhabited for more than 1,000 years . )
6 With only a few more bribing days left before the general election and in view of the fact that the House has been televised for more than two years , will the Prime Minister tell us whether he is prepared to take part in televised debates during the general election campaign with the Leader of the Opposition — yes or no ?
7 The laboratory , at Evesham in Worcestershire , has been operating for more than forty years .
8 That is serious in view of the fact that the committee has been running for more than four years .
9 All stock that has been held for more than twenty months at the balance sheet date will be written down to scrap value with reference to independently verifiable third party documentation ;
10 My longcase clocks are entirely handcrafted , with brass and dial work , engraving , silvering , hand piercing and bluing , etc. … undertaken in association with Steve Kelly , the renowned Exeter clockmaker — who has been practising for more than 65 years — and other craft specialists .
11 Conservative support in the larger cities has been declining for more than 25 years .
12 That news will come as a welcome relief to the authority , which has been waiting for more than three months for a reply from the Home Secretary .
13 Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , Mr Gordon Brown , who claimed at the weekend to have uncovered a further £10 million in sweeteners above the £38 million disclosed last week , continued yesterday to press the Prime Minister for details of the tax benefits offered to BAe , and to explain why Parliament has been deceived for more than 16 months about the true cost of the sale .
14 If these are done with moderate weights in strict style during the early stages of training , then very good foundations will have been laid for more advanced , specialised exercises .
15 Yet in the outcome the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , with over 300 amendments to the original Bill having been debated for more than sixty hours in the Commons Standing Committee , suffered the fate of those that went before and came after .
16 There was no evidence as to what the Perots ' attitude would have been if they had been asked for more than $2.5m. for Caliban .
17 The bull market had been raging for more than five years in the US .
18 I remembered the dated way he had of addressing people — though he had been sacked for more serious matters .
19 My hon. Friend may remember that , in 1980 , a quarter of a million people had been waiting for more than two months for telephones to be connected .
20 Gryschenko had been missing for more than two days .
21 At the end of December 1980 , the returns to the Committee on Jail Reform indicated that almost 7,000 ( 8 per cent ) of the 92,000 undertrials had been in gaol for over one year , and 2,500 of these had been held for more than two years .
22 Many had been held for more than 15 years .
23 The justice ministry said yesterday , however , that because they had been held for more than two years without trial , they were released .
24 It had been driven for more than thirty miles before being dumped in Chisledon near Swindon .
25 They 've been made for more recent Carnivals .
26 They 've been advertising for more than six weeks … at the job centre in the local papers and on the radio .
27 They have been united for more than 350 years , for much of which time Russians have perceived Ukrainians as ethnically identical to themselves .
28 We have been pushing for more effective action from the NIO for years and it is utter nonsense to say otherwise , ’ he said .
29 Like Mr Nicholson , I have been commuting for more than ten years from Fife , but hardly ever by car , which I find is too nerve-wracking and frustrating an experience and almost as bad as commuting by bus .
30 Despite the fact that very few reservoirs have been functioning for more than 10 years , cases have been described in which dysplasia and carcinoma have been seen in colitic pouches and adenomas in FAP pouches .
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