Example sentences of "have [adv] been part of " in BNC.

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1 Because there are children and therefore the woman has obviously been part of a couple at some point , there is an assumption that in her single state she is critical , cynical and undermining of couples around her .
2 Secretaries of State for Trade and Industry may come and go but Sir Jeffrey Sterling , chairman of the P&O group , has long been part of the furniture at 1 Victoria Street .
3 In the search for a transcendent level of knowledge , it has long been part of human endeavour to enter a symbolic womb of darkness and learn within its space .
4 Constructed as a spoof documentary about a political candidate for the US Senate whose promotional ads are pop videos and whose campaign bus is a mobile trading floor , it joins the dots of a diagram — Eighties politics as the flip-side of Sixties counter-culture — which has long been part of the landscape ( and which could do with an update ) .
5 ‘ it tends to be supported by those who wish to constrain the redistributive potential of state welfare and thus it has always been part of a broader conservative view of the aetiology of social problems and their correct solutions ’ ( Macnicol , 1988 , p. 316 ) .
6 This has always been part of the role , but it has not often been done well .
7 Collection of statistics , such as the housing returns , has always been part of the central department 's work , but the more specific information currently requested that can form part of long-term planning is a relatively recent development .
8 We were the first union in nineteen seventy six to come out with our policy on the then Race Relations Act it 's always been a trade union issue whether it was the trade unions in Germany in the twenties and thirties fighting Hitlerism and Nazi-ism or whether it was the trade unions fighting Moseley and his black shirts in Britain it has always been part of our ideals and principles .
9 In Europe this has sometimes been part of a systematic attack on their lifestyle .
10 But one facet of the Wild West which has never been part of our social scene is surfacing now in cinematographic form .
11 Notably , the Classical foot has never been part of English phonology ; it is a verse-specific contruct .
12 The independent republic of Honduras had been created a year previously , in 1838 , having once been part of Spanish America ; its fertile coastal plains surround a mountainous interior , rich in forests , and it just manages to have a 40-mile strip of southern coastline on the Pacific to complement its much longer Caribbean seaboard .
13 So after the worry of redundancy , windows have provided openings for people who would otherwise have still been part of today 's unemployment figures .
14 An almost unquestioned belief in the street people had long been part of It 's rhetoric , with or without the romanticization of the drop-out , from Kerouac through to Emmett Grogan .
15 In March , sworn depositions and subpoenaed bank statements revealed the extent to which what had seemed a normal transaction with a Japanese museum had apparently been part of a deliberate swindle into which Feigen 's gallery had been drawn .
16 I had already been part of the theatre working as an ASM at the Cambridge Arts Theatre , not with the University but with the
17 But it had just been part of Isabelle 's patient determination to make Sabine as bilingual as possible .
18 And he had n't even wanted her ; it had just been part of a plan .
19 The station concourse was a seething mass of people , civilian and uniformed , with a fair spattering of the drunks that had always been part of the city 's landscape when he had ridden up from Galloway on weekends free from school .
20 The big hook which had once been part of a hanging scales was in the shape of the letter S , and sharpened to a point at both ends .
21 Miss Hannah Hauxwell , dressed in men 's trousers and old jacket so torn that it looked as though savaging by wolf packs had once been part of her daily routine , looked at me mildly .
22 The confrontation between President Zviad Gamsakhurdia and opposition forces , including those who had once been part of his regime as fellow nationalists , continued throughout October .
23 Many reasons may be adduced for the Polish uprising of November 1830 : the Russians ' two-year hunt for " Polish Decembrists " ; the tsar 's reluctance to be separately crowned as King of Poland ; the refusal of St Petersburg to attach to the " Congress Kingdom " of Poland the provinces to the east which had once been part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ; the emergence of Polish literary figures who " understood romanticism as embodying a patriotic call to restore the old republic within its old frontiers " ; the decline of the Polish economy ; the inspiration of the events of 1830 in France and Belgium ; and the arrest , just before the rising , of a number of militant soldiers and students .
24 Ltd. ( ‘ the dock company ’ ) as the company responsible for the operation of the port , which had formerly been part of the Chatham Royal Dockyard , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. , as occupiers of berths and land in the port from which they carried on their businesses .
25 Seven of its members had also been part of the previous Labour administration — Thorvald Stoltenberg , Johan Joergen Holst and Gunhold Oeyangen in identical posts , and Kjell Borgen , Finn Kristensen , Oddrun Petersen and Tove Strand Gerhardsen with different portfolios .
26 OATS had previously been part of the scholarship scheme , but dropped out about fifteen years ago when its commercial pilot training activities took precedence .
27 Gabriel , at No 31 with new single Digging in the Dirt , says : ‘ I 've never been part of the rock ‘ n roll machinery .
28 That had certainly been part of her reason for slipping away .
29 Murder , drugs , a bombing and shootings have all been part of a saga directly involving members of the family .
30 While World Cup matters have only been part of the Board 's committee business this week , the speculation as to whether Welsh reservations would carry weight has been immense .
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