Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The decision in the GCHQ case which was discussed earlier , by focussing attention away from the sources of government power to its nature and effect , has arguably assisted the extension of judicial review to cover rules which ‘ lack any visible means of legal support ’ .
2 This has crucial implications for Anglo-American and Continental Culture Studies , whose Lacanian impulse has arguably prevented the establishment of important distinctions between cultural forms .
3 One tutor reports that the Principal , who has wholeheartedly supported the scheme from the beginning , would very much welcome this development .
4 Since the initial report of the Munich group of treatment of gall bladder stones by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ( ESWL ) , this treatment has widely captured the attention of the medical literature .
5 There is a difference , although an uncertain one , between some statements of the form If P then Q and others of the form If P , Q. ( W. A. Davis , 1983a ) Suppose that someone has unkindly disconnected the wiring between the switch and the wipers .
6 Harper , who is the cousin of the former West Indian Test player , Roger Harper , has verbally accepted the offer of a contract with the Prestwick club for the 1993 season .
7 The report has bitterly disappointed the mother of Tristan Watkins , who was found dead in a pool 11 days after being discharged .
8 The issue has bitterly divided the community surrounding the common ever since the complex was first mooted .
9 Another noteworthy aspect of his success has been that throughout his career he has rarely enjoyed the luxury of playing alongside another bowler of similar pace .
10 Top metalsmith has skilfully created the replica , with NMS archaeologists providing academic support to ensure it is as accurate as possible .
11 The author of this passage has skilfully exploited the contrast between the bare and the to infinitives .
12 All the evidence suggests that no-one has properly quantified the cost of educating end users in all the user-hostile features of a dumb 3270 attached to a mainframe application , let alone any of the other hidden costs of the mainframe .
13 Much knowledge has been accumulated since the antiquarians first started to take an interest , and archaeology has become an increasingly scientific discipline , using modern techniques such as aerial photography which has vastly increased the number of known sites , and carbon dating which has caused radical rethinking of accepted chronology .
14 The decision to order a reassesment comes after claims that the Greek government has vastly overestimated the amount of water that can be safely diverted .
15 The conclusion from this comparison of the draft Bill and the Act is that Parliament has in all material respects adopted the committee 's approach and has thereby indorsed the committee 's point of view .
16 1 The fact that those on the right and in the Establishment have become increasingly critical of the British constitution ( critical that is of party politics , pressure-group politics , parliamentary sovereignty and unlimited democracy itself ) at the same time as they defend the integrity of capitalism and attack socialism , has rather disturbed the orthodoxy as to the close fit and supporting connection between liberal-democracy and capitalism .
17 And that exactly a century ago , the fifth Earl sold his splendid library to Mrs John Rylands , who gave it to Manchester ( though the university has since broken the spirit of the benefaction by selling part of it ) .
18 It is a follow-up to the World Conservation Strategy of 1980 , which has since formed the basis for all or part of 50 national strategies in 50 .
19 There is a third point of view : that of weary or wilful ignorance , which has since banished the question almost entirely from intellectual discussion among ordinary , concerned people .
20 For example , consider a person who bought a house for £80,000 in 1988 , with a mortgage of £75,000 , who has since seen the price of that property fall to £65,000 .
21 Glaxo has since delayed the launch to await product approvals but it 's a massive project and will take out rigid packaging business forward very quickly when it comes on stream — probably late this year .
22 One view , which is supported by the judgment of Lord Denning M.R. in the Court of Appeal in Lonrho is that ‘ it is sufficient if the [ unlawful means ] conspiracy is aimed or directed at the plaintiff and it can reasonably be foreseen that it may injure him , and does in fact injure him ’ and the Supreme Court of Canada has since stated the law in similar terms in a decision in which Lonrho was considered .
23 He insists that no political favours were promised in return and claims that he has since repaid the debt , half of it in the form of old books and furniture .
24 He insists no political favours were promised in return and claims that he has since repaid the debt , half of it in the form of old books and furniture .
25 That confiture d'oignons , for instance , for which the recipe appeared in Michel Guérard 's Cuisine Gourmande and which has since made the tour du monde surely derived from Pomiane 's dish of sweet-sour onions in which the sweetening elements were sultanas and pain d " épices , the spiced honey cake of central Europe , and which Pomiane had in turn borrowed from the Jewish cookery of his native Poland .
26 TKA has since replaced the tool shelf with one 12mm thick .
27 Some would say that blame should begin , even end , with Rushdie himself : that this ‘ impertinent , whining guest , ’ as Lord Tebbit unforgivably called him , wrote a calculatedly provocative book , brought the predictable wrath of Islam down upon himself and has since presented the taxpayer with a multi-million pound bill for keeping due retribution at bay .
28 Pitt , who camped out in a tent roasting hot dogs with Deacon for a week at a time during filming , has since taken the sport of fly fishing to heart .
29 He assured her that the end was in sight and a friend has since described the case as the pinnacle of his career .
30 Only in School G was there evidence of study skills genuinely permeating the lower-school curriculum , though again this initiative was very much identified with a dynamic coordinator of IS who has since left the school .
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