Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do not for one minute believe that we shall hand over everything that this country has ever stood for in terms of its independence .
2 And with ret with er land availability erm with regard to the land availability figures , Mr Steel also includes a s a site of some ten hectares which the County Council has formally objected to in terms of a planning application lodged and in terms of the distributional strategy of the local plan .
3 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
4 But the ‘ lubricity ’ , if that 's the right word , of the scree has now gone for over use .
5 The council observes that the estimated total cost , including preliminary expenses , has now risen to in excess of £63 million , and that that does not include the costs of disruption during the construction period .
6 Would my honourable friend , is my honourable friend aware that employment in London and the South East has actually risen by over two hundred in the ten years from March nineteen eighty three and will she confirm that some of the hundred and fifty thousand places in the new apprenticeship scheme will be available in London ?
7 Bad enough to feel the way she did , let alone have to spend time with a man who treated her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
8 Her prosecutor was looking at her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
9 They 'd been married in a church she 'd always gone to as a child and afterwards there was a reception in the Mansfield Hotel , near by and convenient , and then she and Gordon had gone to Cumberland .
10 And Elizabeth knew that I knew all about her , and she also knew that she was the only person I 'd ever written to for a photograph .
11 More than two negative reasons for accepting a job can take a heavy toll on your resources of enthusiasm , particularly if you had the added disappointment of being turned down for the post you 'd really hoped for at the time .
12 And so I got more and more involved with the electronics thing , and stopped playing in groups completely in 1980 , having started work in the design section of various electronics companies like Pignose , Oberheim and BC Rich , who I 'd actually started with in ‘ 77 , then Fender during ‘ 81 and ‘ 82 . ’
13 What he would have really profited from at the beginning , he believes , was a coach and it was only some time after he joined the Vets movement that he found the next best thing , encouragement and advice from a distinguished Vet member of Cambridge Harriers , David Coward .
14 Now his awareness of the new pictorial possibilities which Picasso had instinctively hit upon in the Demoiselles and his study of the work of Cézanne ( whose influence , indeed , can already be sensed in the Baigneuse ) were to make him , within the space of a few months , a major force in twentieth-century painting .
15 The famous trip to Europe , which Lear had constantly referred to in his letters as if it were an experience which united him with the great ornithologist , became the bitter disappointment of a friendship manqué .
16 And then the stairs the stairs are facing you like that , so you 've only got about about a metre of in between the bottom of the stairs and your front door and you s just sort of go in through there an and you 're in the living room .
17 Our cabin is marvellous , and on top of that , I 'm going to see places I 've only dreamed about until now . ’
18 They took her to a small , perfect restaurant , where she had never been before , and fed her on soup and fish and meat and cheese , all of a quality and in quantities she had only dreamed of during the war .
19 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
20 Her eyes were as blue as the patch of bright sky which had suddenly emerged from between the clouds and when she looked at him he was sure there was invitation in their depths .
21 He also said he had long fought from within the shadow cabinet for a change in Euro policies .
22 as far as the committee was concerned there is they 've taken a decision on the preferred route , but we did as I 've just referred to in the earlier work , er we did assess that erm and that showed again er that the traffic would n't transfer from the A sixty one onto a southern bypass and a inner northern relief road .
23 This is the great hall and I could spend easily as long as I 've already spent on on this hall but I wo n't .
24 There will be a single budget which we 've always argued for in the management committee the head of centre will and this is very important and I hope members are clear the head of centre which is the head of the Moat Centre which is the proposed under the amendment will be appointed within this financial year , will be appointed out of the existing budget .
25 In my experience people will forgive a lot of things , but not being beaten at their own game by someone they 've always looked upon as a caricature . ’
26 Hence the moulding of that most deplorable product the ‘ humble boy ’ and the strengthening of what I had always referred to as ‘ the civil service mentality ’ until I encountered Michael Manley 's much more telling phrase the ‘ psychology of dependence ’ .
27 His warm , dark-brown eyes twinkled in a square , handsome face , and he had what his father had always referred to as an honest demeanour .
28 Ben studied his brother — the man he had always thought of as his father and saw suddenly that it did not matter what he was in reality , for Hal Shepherd had become what he believed he was .
29 Its not-very-complicated mind was trying to come to terms with the fact that the shape of the nomes — two arms , two legs , a head at the top — was a shape it associated with humans and had learnt to avoid , but the size was the size it had always thought of as a mouthful .
30 But Kate was the first plain clothes police officer he had ever dealt with on a personal basis .
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