Example sentences of "have [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The three-day test case has far-reaching significance for the medical staff involved .
2 Notwithstanding that a particular central government department has total responsibility for the discharge of particular functions — from formulation of general overall policy to implementation in the form of decisions in particular cases ‘ on the ground ’ — it may nevertheless be desirable to distribute actual administration at different levels on a geographical basis .
3 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
4 any other person who has parental responsibility for the child
5 No minor of whatever age has power by refusing consent to treatment to override a consent to treatment by someone who has parental responsibility for the minor and a fortiori a consent by the court .
6 " Family " in this context includes any person who has parental responsibility for the child or with whom he is living ( s17(10) ) .
7 If a person seeking party status has parental responsibility for the child but has not been named as a respondent , the court must grant his request .
8 In this context " the responsible person " means any person who has parental responsibility for the child and any other person with whom the child is living .
9 The event has broad appeal for the disabled , and for those who used to ride it 's especially satisfying .
10 The case has direct relevance for the role of records managers and archivists because it focused on the role and responsibility of the U.S. Archivist in implementing organisational policy regarding electronic messages .
11 ‘ In short , the contradictions between GCSE and Records of Achievement hinges on the question of whether the priority for 16+ assessment should be the provision of reliable information which has high predictability for the purpose of selection or whether the primary purpose should be to reflect what has been achieved in relation to the whole range of goals that a school may set for itself .
12 In short , the contradiction between GCSE and records of achievement hinges on the question of whether the priority for 16+ assessment should be the provision of reliable information which has high predictability for the purposes of selection , or whether the primary purpose should be to reflect what has been achieved in relation to the whole range of educational goals that a school may set for itself .
13 If there are to be changes which are likely to generate controversy it 's a good idea to consult the LEA inspector who has pastoral responsibility for the school .
14 Or he might stick with the status quo , in which parliament has principal responsibility for the economy , and replace Mr Kuchma with a more pliant prime minister .
15 It has crucial importance for the accommodative phase of reading progress .
16 The design team may have many forms from a single individual working alone to a broadly based curriculum development team with specialists in curriculum design , graphics , programming and observation ; however , for our purpose it is useful to emphasize three roles — the curriculum designer who has overall responsibility for the program teaching unit and its associated written or audio-visual material , the program designer who realizes the computer program and the teacher developers in whose classrooms the material is tried and tuned .
17 Unfortunately , since no individual has overall responsibility for the completion of the project , control is usually poor and motivation is sometimes lacking , leading to overrun on budget and time .
18 Section 11(3) exonerates the accused " if he believes that he has lawful authority for the removal of the thing in question or that he would have it if the person entitled to it knew of the removal and the circumstances of it " .
19 We would suggest the letter as well as the spirit of the outcome of the Earth Summit has great relevance for the Council 's work .
20 Teleworkers — people who never actually go to work , but work from home using computers linked to their employer 's headquarters — are a comparatively new phenomenon but the idea has great potential for the scattered rural population of Scotland .
21 It also has great potential for the elucidation of pathogenesis in idiopathic diesase , in the field of epidemiology and in microbiological taxonomy .
22 My company is an outstandingly tolerant one , and has great respect for the individual .
23 The island of Nevis has its own legislature ( consisting of five elected and three nominated members ) and executive which has exclusive responsibility for the island 's internal administration and through which its population may exercise its constitutional right to secede from the union with St Christopher .
24 Nevis has its own legislature ( consisting of five elected and three nominated members ) and an executive which has exclusive responsibility for the island 's internal administration and through which its population may exercise its right to secede from the union with St Christopher .
25 The project manager has full responsibility for the project and is given necessary resources for planning and implementation .
26 This has considerable significance for the communication of emotional states and personal interaction .
27 Now it is for real and , though the race will be staged on a parkland road rather than a track , Foster believes it has considerable significance for the rest of Cram 's summer .
28 The cloning of plants using tissue culture is also being used to produce improved crop strains and , as Tudge points out , it has considerable potential for the improvement of oil palms , coconuts and tea , all of which are important economic crops in many developing countries .
29 What we want to emphasise is the theoretical context of method and how this is integral to sociological investigation , not simply as a technique but as something which has profound significance for the possibility of sociology itself .
30 We invited David Fell , Permanent Secretary of the DED , who has ultimate responsibility for the IDB and LEDU , and Julian Crozier , Chief Executive of the Training and Employment Agency , to attend .
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