Example sentences of "have [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Coatings company International Lory has for the second time completed a year without a single lost day accident .
2 The new hang has for the first time brought together the figures de fantaisie by Fragonard , the Louvre 's ninety-three Corots , thirty paintings by Chardin and thirteen by Watteau , as well as a rotating selection of the preparatory drawings by Le Brun for his decorative scheme for the Louvre .
3 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
4 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
5 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
6 The UK government has for the first time ruled out the award of oil and gas exploration licences in certain areas on environmental grounds .
7 However , the demand for the relevant , the practical , and the vocational that was part of the raison d'être of the GCSE has at the same time been answered in a different way , which may in the end prove embarrassing to the DES and the SEC , and may seem to promise yet another shift of power .
8 While attempting to give financial autonomy to schools the government has at the same time failed to help the market — that is , parents and pupils — to decide what subjects should be studied .
9 But — with exceptions of course — it has at the same time been unable or unwilling to devote enough time and effort to understanding and pursing financial and accounting matters , perhaps because these often lack the immediate and general glamour of other aspects of policies .
10 It displays the extraordinary virtuosity which this scheme encourages , but has at the same time great sculptural power .
11 Being a costly enterprise and having many uses to the modern state , research has at the same time come under increased scrutiny from the paymaster .
12 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
13 It is further urged upon me that the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact with each other , and the justices being satisfied that there were grounds for believing that both the children were likely to suffer significant harm , which was a specific finding that they made , they were plainly wrong in refusing to make an interim order in that they first of all failed to have regard to the fact that the parents had colluded over the cause of D. 's injuries , and there was evidence to that effect ; secondly , that the mother had lied to social services , Dr. Barnardo 's and the guardian about having had at the relevant times no contact with the father — and that is indeed what the mother has done , she has lied ; and , thirdly , that the father had been in breach of a term of the bail conditions which had been imposed upon him , not only on 23 December 1991 but ever since his release in as much as he had visited and contacted the mother .
14 ‘ Following this decision , the Community will have for the first time a single framework within which takeovers and mergers of a Community dimension can be dealt with , recognising the importance of maintaining fair competition throughout the single market . ’
15 The final point I want to make Mr Deputy Speaker which I think is very , very important indeed , bearing in mind that fact that so few people bothered to vote in these is is there any possibility that before these regulations come into effect we can have at the same time , a little pamphlet put out saying exactly what these additional M E Ps and the existing ones actually can do .
16 ‘ What we must have at the same time is a greater level of consistency and the kind of spirit that was evident against Rangers . ’
17 That will be the convenient and sensible course because what such a defendant is seeking is not so much to correct an error in the judge 's decision , for which appeals to this court are designed , but to have for the first time a hearing at which his evidence is considered .
18 But also by 1967 , expenditure on education had for the first time in history equalled that on defence .
19 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
20 The Yugoslavian authorities announced on Feb. 20 that Army units stationed in the province of Kosovo had for the first time been given specific orders to quell a renewed wave of unrest among ethnic Albanians in the province .
21 However , Syrian officials contended that with the signing of the treaty Syria had for the first time formally acknowledged Lebanon as an independent state .
22 In its annual report published on Oct. 2 the Fund confirmed that in the 12 months ended April 30 , 1991 , it had for the first time since 1984-85 made more disbursements ( 6,823 million special drawing rights : SDR1=US$1.365 as at Oct. 2 ) than it had received through repurchases or repayments ( SDR5,608 million ) .
23 The deputy chairman of the UN Special Commission on Iraq , Robert Galucci , said in Bahrain on Jan. 14 that Iraq had for the first time admitted " pursuing a production-scale centrifuge enrichment programme rather than simply a research programme " , after UN inspectors confronted Iraqi officials with evidence supplied by Germany showing the involvement of German firms in this programme .
24 Pawson has pointed out that in building the canals , British engineers had for the first time " to grapple with large scale civil engineering problems " .
25 From 1865 , however , the foreign office had for the first time a department concerned entirely with commercial affairs .
26 The world of secondary schools was one from which I had been absent for eight years and it had in the mean time greatly expanded , so that the new secondary modern schools now occupied most — although not necessarily the most strategically important — territory .
27 But , even while visualizing entering the cupboard , she had at the same time been fully aware that she was in a non-threatening situation ( lying in her own bed ) and so , once again , the subconscious mind had no need to send out those panic signals .
28 However , indebtedness had at the same time gone up from 90 per cent of GNP to a January 1990 level of 120 per cent , the second highest in Western Europe .
29 PAKISTANI authorities have for the first time begun arresting farmers in the North West Frontier Province who have been found planting opium for next year 's harvest .
30 South African authorities have for the first time permitted Mr Nelson Mandela to talk by telephone with exiled leaders of the African National Congress from the prison where he is held near Cape Town .
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