Example sentences of "have [prep] some [noun sg] [been] " in BNC.

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1 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
2 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
3 Although the famous gallery owner is thinking of retiring and has for some time been searching for an institution to take on his private collection , the title of the event ‘ TransForm ’ is not a veiled reference to his forthcoming conversion from art dealer to museum collector .
4 Because of pressure from many different lobbies , government has for some time been considering in what way to respond to it .
5 The twentieth century has seen the growth of a considerable literature on management as an acquired skill and it has for some time been possible to obtain academic management qualifications .
6 Holloway prison 's C1 unit has for some time been the subject of public concern and outrage .
7 BML has for some time been concerned about the declining popularity of the NBS , which began in a blaze of publicity in 1955 .
8 But three years later on 27 July 1795 the new head of the Macclesfield company , Abraham Mills , wrote to the new agent Thomas Harrison of Kendal , advising him , alas , that " … the Coniston Mine has for some time been so unproductive that it has been determined to discontinue the working … "
9 1984 has for some time been identified as an important milestone in the twentieth century .
10 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
11 The Advisory Board for the Research Councils ( ABRC ) has for some time been worried that British spending on civil science , especially within the higher education sector , may not be adequate to enable the country to remain internationally competitive .
12 The toast to the Divisions has for some time been a ‘ musical geography tour ’ and this time people present were treated to an extra musical item being the toast to National Office , whereby gave an immaculate rendition of The Hippopotamus Song .
13 Furthermore , if outside agencies — such as courts or social workers decide that socialization has in some way been inadequate , it is to the family that they are most likely to turn in the allocation of blame or responsibility .
14 recognises that an original lessee may have a defence if the assignee not performing has in some way been absolved from performance .
15 Frankly , it is a travesty of the truth that the BBC in the past four or five years has in some way been tamed .
16 Karajan was by instinct and training a man of the theatre and it is another of those paradoxes surrounding his career that this central aspect of his art has to some extent been obscured from the general public gaze .
17 The scale of concern recently about the level of indiscipline and disruption in many schools resulting from pupil misbehaviour has to some extent been unwarranted , possibly inflamed by scare stories in the media and a greater willingness on the part of the profession , during a period of low morale and frustration , to report incidences of disruption and physical attacks on teachers .
18 The establishment of the UK clearinghouse was one response to this but the British Library Research and Development Department itself , through its deliberations on its programme of research and development in user education , has to some extent been a co-ordinating influence , though with a low profile .
19 As in the lowlands , the traditional landscape has to some extent been preserved by the economic irrationality of farmers — although in the uplands it consists of their ability to hold on against all the odds rather than disavow the pursuit of maximum profits .
20 The appearance of women at Russian stations has to some extent been matched by a growth in women 's employment in railways elsewhere .
21 In this example , whilst the market has to some extent been created by the regulators , the safety technology has been transferred mainly through the business activities of the safety consultants .
22 This is particularly likely in the case of Euro-DM business , which has to some extent been driven abroad by restrictions on the German banking sector .
23 Burnage Court , the big house in the picture hidden in trees at the end , has at some time been cruelly treated , with badly applied half-timbering on the ground floor and tile-hanging on the first .
24 Catherine had for some while been recruiting architects from the West , especially from Italy .
25 It was above all the place to which you were advised to go if you had for some reason been shot , in either war or peace .
26 ‘ I had for some time been interested in the work of the 17th century Dutch and Spanish still-life school of painting .
27 They came to the bank of the stream which had for some time been running unseen beside them .
28 Tanberg had for some time been interested in the way that hydrogen behaves in the presence of metals such as palladium .
29 James had for some time been accepting an annual pension from Elizabeth in return for promises of assistance against foreign invaders — meaning , at this period , Spain — and on the tacit understanding that he would in no way connive at his mother 's return to Scotland .
30 Many who had earlier worked against Scottish interests had for some time been making covert approaches and promises through envoys between the two Courts .
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