Example sentences of "have [prep] a [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He is fully aware that his income and , to some extent , his job security , are based on the lettings , The school 's popularity as a venue has as a result increased .
2 Nationalism was , is and will be : it is , as Tom Nairn put it , the Janus-face looking at once forward to liberation and progress and backward to reactionary and often mythical notions of the past ; it is a force which should never be identified with the nation-state , a concept which nationalism has for a time inhabited , as a hermit crab inhabits a shell , but is evidently beginning to evacuate as the sovereign nation-state shows clear sign of obsolescence .
3 It is apparently most excusable to rape your wife if she has for a period refused sexual intercourse ‘ unjustifiably ’ or if she has refused sexual intercourse unless her housekeeping money were raised , or even , curiously , ‘ in order to win her back . ’
4 ‘ the Kipling who limped out of the wreckage , shrunken and wry though he looks , has in a sense had his development as an artist ’ — Edmund Wilson : The Wound & the Bow
5 In my view the idea of his being monkish , or that he could have for a moment dreamt of entering a monastery , is not to be entertained , despite the claim of the Reverend William Levy in his Memoir .
6 And there could scarcely be anything more difficult and fine-textured than the affair he is having with a woman called Rose .
7 Easy to see what effect sudden nausea at even the thought of the big glass would have on a life lived in this way .
8 ‘ And after all , every player wants to be in a winning team and they know how much influence Gazza can have on a game to enable them to achieve victory .
9 In the following year he won the 100 yards AAA title ; he had for a while reigned as the British number one high jumper .
10 The return to normality after the Angelus hush made him feel that the all-seeing spirit which had for a while hovered doubtfully over his actions had now moved on .
11 She had for a while become a Monotype operator , on one of the " women 's machines " , and also remembers " trying to do imposition " and doing a little display work in one mainly jobbing firm where she worked for a short time .
12 Ven made no move to detain her , not that she had for a second considered that he might .
13 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
14 It always surprised him a little that it was possible to fix the attention on the room itself , its furniture and objects , even before the bodies had been packaged and taken away , as if in their fixed and silent decrepitude they had for a moment become part of the room 's artefacts , as significant as any other physical clue , no more and no less .
15 The BBC had for a period turned from county commentaries to one-liners .
16 Both had for a period apprenticed their ideas to those of Graham Sutherland and both paid homage to Picasso , Vaughan equating him with Auden and Bartók as an artist who had evolved ‘ a coherent vocabulary of form appropriate to our life ’ .
17 Campbeltown struck her German colours and hoisted her battle ensign : she had about a mile to go .
18 I had about a mile to go , and it was the longest mile I have ever covered in my life .
19 My aunt had about a month to live .
20 Well , Edgar Wallace ( a writer not to be despised , as he sometimes is ) once said that vanity is at the back of most murders , and he had as a reporter covered many a murder trail .
21 Cézanne in particular had as a rule relied completely on visual models , and had looked at the subjects of his paintings with a concentration and intensity as great as that shown by the artists of the early Renaissance in their rediscovery of the natural world .
22 It is not simply that the former communist societies in Eastern Europe were characterized , to a greater or lesser extent , by relative economic backwardness and political authoritarianism , and consequently had little appeal as models for the future development of any advanced industrial society , but that the democratic socialism of social democratic and labour parties in the capitalist world , despite its real achievements in improving the conditions of life of the working class , has come to be more critically judged as tending to promote an excessive centralization of decision making , growth of bureaucracy and regulation of the lives of individuals , and has lost something of the persuasive character it once had as a movement aiming to create a new civilization .
23 He had been told that the Chairman had with a handgun shot dead a general who had dared to argue with his strategy during the dark days of the war .
24 After all , Woosnam had said one day that Phil Ritson , a grey-haired South African coach , had from a distance spotted something amiss with his swing on the practice ground , offered some advice and then drifted away again .
25 Six years later , when the launching of the European Economic Community with the same six member states had in a sense superseded the ECSC , the Authority could make a reasonably positive report .
26 The subject had seemed to be taboo ; and he himself had in a way pressed her down into his mind because thoughts of her conjured up a feeling tinged with regret and shame , centred round a scene in the bedroom and the rage of his mother .
27 The opportunity you have as a student to do a lot of work is good though .
28 We could replace what we have with a proposition relating variation in the operation of the heater , variation in its relative position , and so on , with variation in the temperature of the driver 's knee .
29 This illustrates yet again the somewhat uneven pattern of evolution , since crocodiles have in a sense regressed by returning to the water .
30 The words and the theatrical element have in a sense taken the musical wind out of your sails .
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